Master your Fate.
There is no such thing as "luck." Providence responds to intention. Your life is made to order. The key to greater happiness and success is to know what you're ordering (rather than pretending that others are doing it for you!).?The very notion of this belief may produce a great deal of resistance and anger. One is tempted to get caught up in the speculation of "what might have been," feeling cheated over the inequitable circumstances of the past. It is much simpler to resign from the responsibility of the creator and to assume the role of the victim. One might enjoy pointing the finger more than risking the error of ineffective choices. In the end, however, we are indeed the masters of our fate and the only authors of our story.
If you are indeed the hero in your own story, what does the next chapter have in store for the protagonist? What would you write for yourself? Take the time today to consider it (yes, on paper!). Where does the story take you? What is your happy beginning?
Success or sabotage??Success is not a story that writes itself; you are the only author who can bring its true meaning to fruition.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Well, is it?