Master Your Day: Transformative Daily Habits for a Fulfilling Life

Master Your Day: Transformative Daily Habits for a Fulfilling Life

Happy New Year!

As we welcome in 2024 I hope this email finds you well and ready for the year ahead!? Although I have to say, that going back to work on the 2nd was a rather abrupt ending to the festivities!??

It felt like last week was more of an “ease back in to things” week and I think we’re all back to work now and gearing up to have another “best year ever” ??.

I always take time over the Christmas holidays to reflect on the previous year and set goals for things I want to achieve in certain areas of my life.? This year I looked back at my old journals, and I noticed that every single January there is a list of things that are consistent year after year:-

  • Exercise more ????♀?
  • Eat better ??
  • Cut out sugar sugar ??
  • Drink more water water ??

Now it always starts well…(day 9 and still going strong!) but the hardest thing as we all know is being consistent and creating a habit that sticks.

?“The secret to success is found in your daily routine” John C. Maxwell

It tends to be the small, consistent actions that pave the way for monumental achievements and by cultivating positive daily habits we are laying foundations for both personal and professional growth.

I read a lot of personal development books and have been using some powerful daily habits that I wanted to share with you which have helped me focus more on my goals and have had a pretty positive impact on my life.

Firstly, I believe that the way you start the day sets the tone for everything that follows.

Morning routine

I know that when I start the day right that I will 100% have a better day.? However, that is not always the easiest thing to do as a single mama with 2 children to get up, dressed, fed and delivered safely to school plus dogs to walk and everything else in between.? So, I make it easier on myself and get up an hour earlier to ensure that I have time in the morning just for me.?

This is time for me to have a cup of tea, compose my thoughts, journal, meditate, think about my plan and intentions for the day and also work out.? This time for me is so important and if I end up having a later night than planned and I miss it, I always feel like I’m behind, and I carry that with me through my day.

Evening routine

Flipping this, my evening/end of day routine is a bit of a ritual too.? When still at work, I plan for tomorrow by writing down a list of everything I need to do that day.? I do a separate one for personal life too, but this often done at home (I have this in a journal which I carry with me at all times).? Once the list is committed to paper (personally I always find the action of physically writing and crossing off much better) I am more likely to do it.? And by doing it in the evening it’s out of my head meaning I can enjoy the evening with a clear head and have a good night’s sleep, knowing that I have a plan in place for tomorrow.? It’s also great to see all the things I have crossed off (all my mini achievements).

I also take 5 minutes before bed to write down 3 things I am grateful for that day.? And again, that helps me sleep by sending me off with happy thoughts. And I believe that by acknowledging and appreciating all that I have in my life that it helps create space for more of the same to come to me.

Day time routine

I think it’s impossible to have your day set in tablet as there are so many curve balls thrown at you, but to help me this year I have made a list of things I need to do each week to help me work towards my goals.? This includes the exercise I want to do, a meal plan, time to go to bed and a time to wake.? Now clearly, this can change and that’s ok! But knowing what I want to do and planning it as best I can into my week on a Sunday night helps me to stay focussed on my goals and gives me a plan for the week ahead.

I know this isn’t for everyone - I do love a list and I love having a plan in place but perhaps there is a better way?

I would love to hear about how you plan your week and any habits you have made that have helped you.? Also, always very keen to hear about any books you have read recently that have been a game changer!?

Here are some of the books I read last year:-

  • Atomic Habits – James Clear
  • The Untethered Soul – Michael A. Singer
  • What I Know for Sure – Oprah Winfrey
  • Manifest – Roxie Nafousi
  • How to Do the Work – Dr Nicole LePera

I also read Britney Spears, The Woman in Me, but not sure that I would widely recommend it! ??

I wish you a fantastic 2024 and look forward to re-connecting with you soon!


Lindsay Gray

Growth & Transformation delivering 300%+ ?? ARR | Strong Integrator building high performing teams ?? | Passion for start-up/ scale-up culture ??

10 个月

Getting up earlier, before everyone else????♀?


