Master in SQL in 10 min

Master in SQL in 10 min

It is required to hands-on on SQL for multiple reason .Below query designed in such a way that go to start as there no dependency on table or data .Queries cover in depth join, hierarchical, window function and pivot/unpivot .

Please try online with below link for practice .        


with A as (select level as c from dual connect by level<10)


	B as (select level+3 as c from dual connect by level<10 )


	---  A is [1...9] and B is [4...12]

	---NOTE : A is left table and B is right table  when we say  A join B 




	-- it will find record where otherwords common element in both 

	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	inner  join B on B.c=A.c 


	--or by deafult it is inner join

	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	   join B on B.c=A.c  


	--inner join O/P


	A	B

	4	4

	5	5

	6	6

	7	7

	8	8

	9	9



	--it will find record get all record of A and matched rcord of B with A 


	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	left  join B on B.c=A.c 


	--Left join O/P

	A	B

	4	4

	5	5

	6	6

	7	7

	8	8

	9	9

	1	-

	2	-

	3	-


	--Only A 

	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	 left   join B on B.c=A.c where b.c is null


	 A	B

	1	-

	2	-

	3	-



	--it will find record get all record of A and matched rcord of B with A 

	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	right   join B on B.c=A.c 


	--Right join output

	A	B

	4	4

	5	5

	6	6

	7	7

	8	8

	9	9

	-	11

	-	12

	-	10


	--only B 

	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	 right    join B on B.c=A.c where a.c is null


	 A	B

	-	11

	-	12

	-	10




	--FULL JOIN --all a and all b 

	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	 full  join B on B.c=A.c 




	A	B

	4	4

	5	5

	6	6

	7	7

	8	8

	9	9

	-	10

	-	11

	-	12

	1	-

	2	-

	3	-


	--only A and only B 


	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	 full    join B on B.c=A.c where a.c is null or b.c is null


	 A	B

	-	10

	-	11

	-	12

	1	-

	2	-

	3	-


	---------End of join -------------------------------


	--Cartesian product AXB


	select A.c as a,B.c as B from A 

	 , B 


	A	B

	1	4

	1	5

	1	6

	1	7

	1	8

	1	9

	1	10

	1	11

	1	12

	2	4

	2	5

	2	6

	2	7

	2	8

	2	9

	2	10

	2	11

	2	12

	3	4

	3	5

	3	6

	3	7

	3	8

	3	9

	3	10

	3	11

	3	12

	4	4

	4	5

	4	6

	4	7

	4	8

	4	9

	4	10

	4	11

	4	12

	5	4

	5	5

	5	6

	5	7

	5	8

	5	9

	5	10

	5	11

	5	12

	6	4

	6	5

	6	6

	6	7

	6	8

	6	9

	6	10

	6	11

	6	12

	7	4

	7	5

	7	6

	7	7

	7	8

	7	9

	7	10

	7	11

	7	12

	8	4

	8	5

	8	6

	8	7

	8	8

	8	9

	8	10

	8	11

	8	12

	9	4

	9	5

	9	6

	9	7

	9	8

	9	9

	9	10

	9	11

	9	12        

Hierarchical :

with a as (
	select 'CEO' role, 'None' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'M1' role, 'CEO' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'M2' role, 'CEO' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'R1' role, 'M1' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'R2' role, 'M1' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'R3' role, 'M2' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'R4' role, 'M2' report from dual
	union all 
	select 'R5' role, 'M2' report from dual


	select sys_connect_by_path(role,'/') path ,role,report from a start with role='R1' connect by prior report=role

	/R1	R1	M1
	/R1/M1	M1	CEO
	/R1/M1/CEO	CEO	None


	with k as (select 'w1' as word,'s1,s2,s3' as syn from dual union all select 'w2' as word , 'e1,e2,e3' as syn from dual  )

	select word,regexp_substr(syn,'[^,]+',1,level) from k connect by regexp_instr(syn,'[^,]+',1,level)>0  and prior sys_guid() is not null and prior word=word 




	w1	s1
	w1	s2
	w1	s3
	w2	e1
	w2	e2
	w2	e3


Window function

-- Get the table?
with T as (select * from (select level as c1 from dual connect by level <4) , (select level as c2 from dual connect by level<4))

select * from T

C1	C2
1	1
1	2
1	3
2	1
2	2
2	3
3	1
3	2
3	3

--OVER () means on total table?

select c1, sum(C2) over () as total? from T

1	18
1	18
1	18
2	18
2	18
2	18
3	18
3	18
3	18

--Over (partition by c1 ) , it will partiton by each value of C1?

select c1, sum(C2) over (partition by c1 ) as total? from T

1	6
1	6
1	6
2	6
2	6
2	6
3	6
3	6
3	6

--Over (partition by C1 order by c2 ) , it will partition by c1 of each value of c1 and order by each value of c2?

with T as (select * from (select level as c1 from dual connect by level <4) , (select level as c2 from dual connect by level<5))
select c1, sum(C2) over (partition by c1 order by c2) as total? from T

1	1
1	3
1	6
1	10
2	1
2	3
2	6
2	10
3	1
3	3
3	6
3	10

--Over (partition by C1 order by C2 rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) --it partiton by C1 for each value and order by C2 for each value?

select c1, sum(C2) over (partition by c1 order by c2 rows between? unbounded preceding and current row ) as total? from T

-- rows/range
--ex: here for partition? 1 of C2? , 1st row unbounded preceding -null current row? -1 sum(null? +1)
?--1 of C2? , 2st row unbounded preceding -1 current row? -2? ? ? sum(null+1 +2)=3?
?--1 of C2? , 3rd row unbounded preceding -1,2 current row? -3? ? sum(null+1+2? +3)
?--1 of C2? , 4th row unbounded preceding -1,2,3 current row? -4

1	1	1
2	1	3
3	1	6
4	1	10
5	2	1
6	2	3
7	2	6
8	2	10
9	3	1
10	3	3
11	3	6
12	3	10

--Over(partiton by C1 order by C1 rows between 1 preceding and current row )?

select rownum, c1, sum(C2) over (partition by c1 order by c2 rows between? 1 preceding and current row ) as total? from T

--ex: here for partition? 1 of C2? , 1st row unbounded preceding -null current row? -1? ?sum(null+1)=1
?--1 of C2? , 2st row? 1 preceding -1 current row? -2? ?sum(1+2)=3
?--1 of C2? , 3rd row? 1 preceding -2 current row? -3? ?sum(2+3)=5
?--1 of C2? , 4th row? 1 preceding -3 current row? -4? ?sum(3+4)=7

-- Like wise we can have?
--Over(partiton by C1 order by C1 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following? )?
--Over(partiton by C1 order by C1 rows between current row? and 1 following? )?
--Over(partiton by C1 order by C1 rows between current row? and unbounded following? )?

1	1	1
2	1	3
3	1	5
4	1	7
5	2	1
6	2	3
7	2	5
8	2	7
9	3	1
10	3	3
11	3	5
12	3	7


---It is used by aggrate value?

with T as (select * from (select level as c1 from dual connect by level <4) , (select level as c2 from dual connect by level<5))

select? c1, listagg(c2) within group (order by c2) from T GROUP BY C1?

--Some other agg function?
with T as (select * from (select level as c1 from dual connect by level <4) , (select level as c2 from dual connect by level<5))


listagg(c2,',') within group(order by c2) listagg, Rtrim(Xmlagg (Xmlelement (e, c2||',')).extract? ( '//../text()' ), ',') xmlagg ,json_arrayagg(json_object(c2) order by c2),xmlagg(xmlelement(x,c2) ) jsonagg, json_objectagg(key 'P' value c2) jsonagg, json_query(json_objectagg(key 'P'||c2? value c2),'$.P2' with CONDITIONAL? wrapper ) jsqonquery?
,json_value(json_objectagg(key 'P'||c2? value c2),'$.P3' ) jsonvalue

?--xmlelement(k,c1), json_object(c1,c2)?
?from T

group by c1

1,2,3,4	1,4,3,2	[{"c2":1},{"c2":2},{"c2":3},{"c2":4}]	<X>1</X><X>4</X><X>3</X><X>2</X>	{"P":1,"P":4,"P":3,"P":2}	[2]	3
1,2,3,4	1,4,3,2	[{"c2":1},{"c2":2},{"c2":3},{"c2":4}]	<X>1</X><X>4</X><X>3</X><X>2</X>	{"P":1,"P":4,"P":3,"P":2}	[2]	3
1,2,3,4	1,4,3,2	[{"c2":1},{"c2":2},{"c2":3},{"c2":4}]	<X>1</X><X>4</X><X>3</X><X>2</X>	{"P":1,"P":4,"P":3,"P":2}	[2]	3



--- Print the table value?
with T as (select * from (select level as c1 from dual connect by level <4) , (select level as c2 from dual connect by level<4))

select * from (select 'Co'||c1 as col1 , 'Ct'||C2 col2, rownum num from T)

Co1	Ct1	1
Co1	Ct2	2
Co1	Ct3	3
Co2	Ct1	4
Co2	Ct2	5
Co2	Ct3	6
Co3	Ct1	7
Co3	Ct2	8
Co3	Ct3	9

pivot (max(col2) for col1 in ('Co1' co1,'Co2' co2,'Co3' co3))

6	-	Ct3	-
1	Ct1	-	-
7	-	-	Ct1
2	Ct2	-	-
8	-	-	Ct2
4	-	Ct1	-
5	-	Ct2	-
3	Ct3	-	-
9	-	-	Ct3

unpivot (unpivotelement for unpivotcolumn in ( co1 as 'Co1',co2 as 'Co2',co3 as 'Co3'))

6	Co2	Ct3
1	Co1	Ct1
7	Co3	Ct1
2	Co1	Ct2
8	Co3	Ct2
4	Co2	Ct1
5	Co2	Ct2
3	Co1	Ct3
9	Co3	Ct3


Magic SQL

Reverse a String ,

select listagg(substr(name,level,1),'') within group (order by rownum desc) lett from (select 'brahmanandakar' name from dual) connect by level<length(name)+1        

Expand value ,

select regexp_substr(k,'[^,]+',1,level) ,level from (select 'KHU,BFJ,KHJJ' as k from dual) connect by regexp_instr(k||',',',',1,level)<>0        


SELECT regexp_substr('a[name]bc[desfsdfsdf]ghfsdfdsdi', '\[(.*?)\]',10,1,null,1) from dual

SELECT regexp_substr('a[name]bc[desfsdfsdf]ghfsdfdsdi', '\[(.*?)\]',10,1,null,1) from dual

Parameter :

3.Start of index of string to consider?
4.Occurance (first match ,second match)
5.match charactor? (i-case insensitive ,c-case sensitive,n-new line char, m-mutiline char ,x-ingore whitespace )
6.Match group?l        

Thanks for reading .


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