The Master Force Way
Using Right Brain Technology to Enhance Your Job Search Efforts
Although we may recognize that we have emotional challenges when we are displaced in the workplace, seldom do we know that we have alternatives for empowering our capacity to expand during times of uncertainty. Let me share with you my top four (4) recommendations for activating your right brain experience during a transitory time in your career.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Often times during our job search efforts, the insecurities from our childhood, that have been hidden from us, can easily come to the surface and trigger such thoughts as not being good enough, fear of failure, abandonment issues, etc. This is a great time to use EFT to heal those concerns from the past and at the same time, make room for what you are creating in the future.?Here are (3) videos to help you get started with Tapping:
Bach Flower Remedy
- Confidence – Larch is the remedy for people who feel that they are not as competent as others. They lack confidence in their ability to do things well, assume they will fail, and often don’t bother to try. The remedy helps us to move ahead regardless of thoughts of success and failure. More prepared to take risks and get involved, we get more out of living.
- Transitions – Walnut is the remedy to help protect us against outside influences in general, and against the effects of change in particular. Walnut people are fulfilling their purpose in life but sometimes doubt their path when they hear the opinions, theories or beliefs of others. As a remedy against the effects of change, Walnut is useful at all the transition points in life, from birth to teething to going to school to puberty to marriage to childbearing to retirement and beyond. It helps break links with the past so that we can move forward more easily.
- Pain – Agrimony is the remedy for people who keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness. The sad clown masking inner hurt by being the life and soul of the party is an Agrimony archetype. Friends are often the last to know that anything is wrong in the Agrimony person’s life.
Sometimes Agrimony people turn to drink or drugs to help them stay ‘happy’. They tend not to like being alone: the mask slips when there is no company. They seek out friends, parties and bright lights. Only at night when they are alone with their thoughts will the mental torture they have repressed come back to haunt them.
Agrimony helps us come to terms with the darker side of our lives and personalities, so that we can become more rounded human beings. We won’t lose our sense of humor or our ability to get through the day, but will find that laughing at our troubles dispels them rather than hides them. As a mood remedy, Agrimony helps anyone who is trying not to face a trouble and using jokes and false smiles to avoid a painful reality.
Binaural Beats
?Here are a few of my favorites for your job search efforts:
Rita Stewart, Master Coach ,CEO, Master Force, Inc,. & Founder of Master Force International Leadership Academy. Chicago, IL