Master Chef Activity
Deepti Walli
Senior Soft-skills & Behavioral Trainer , Empowering Teams and Individuals to Excel , Leadership Development , Public Speaking
Skills enhanced through games and activities is a fantastic idea because it obviously takes care of the fun quotient. However learning can be made effective when we don't loose sight of the learning objective. The Learning Objective is what helps facilitators and content developers make/develop an effective learning intervention. While we at the Learningnfun hub do all that is possible to blend the fun element with learning, a reinforcement of the fact that the content /games and activities all sync in with the goal or the objective is needed.
In one of our skills based programs we asked each child to present her/his favorite recipe. More than the video ,it was amazing to see how enthusiastic and open they were to identify their own strength and areas of improvement. We all had a lot of fun and it sure did sync really well with our objective. Happy Learning !
Here is the link to our collated video