Master of artistic obscenity- Gustav Klimt: Movie Klimt (2006)
Klimt said that "All art is erotic". Need I say anything more about the man.
In a world today, where we are so used to enjoying live visual demonstrations of crude obscenity of world leaders being thrown out from another leader's palace, it is best to talk of art obscenity than crude obscene reality of today's world.
The movie itself is as disjoint and as in disarray as the world, as the schizophrenic Klimt travels all around, everywhere, all at once, while he lies dying at the hospital. It says a lot about today's world but in a more artistic way than the obscene way this world has come to become with every day the media machine operating to just say one word, of the man, who shall not be mentioned, may be something of Voldemort in the world of Harry Potter.
I abhorred writing about nudity and artists who portrayed obscenity for a long time now - people like Modigliani or Klimt in more detail; but seems the world has now made me reframe my perspective. I find these people and their forms of nudity as not the same as the ugliness of nudity of the world right now.
Thank God for then thus that there are movies like "Klimt (2006)" which come to my rescue to help me understand what true obscenity, vulgarity and disgust is about. What I thought were disgusting are the only things saving me from the insanity and the crude obscenity of the world as has happened for centuries in the upheavals of human life so often.
I thus end this article with the saying again by Gustav Klimt as have all artists before the 21st century have done and in it are doing.
- Truth is like fire; to tell the truth means to glow and burn. " - Gustav Klimt