Master the Art of Decision Making
Photo by Rebrand Cities

Master the Art of Decision Making

Happy Wednesday!

It’s easy to list skills that can help a new manager become a better leader. Many are intangible, such as critical thinking. The remarkable thing about thees skills is they feed on themselves. The more you grow into your role, the better you can anticipate the best decisions for problem-solving.

This week’s collection of tips, tools, and trends in leadership focuses on bringing skills and strategies together to help you and your team become the most productive and efficient you can be. It’s not the end of the world if you stumble, nor is it a failure to delegate tasks to others. It’s part of being self-aware of your strengths and those of your employees. Here's what's on tap:

  • Crucibles of Leadership
  • How to Use Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
  • Are You a Socially Aware Leader?
  • Here’s What We're Reading This Week

Leadership Strategy

Crucibles of Leadership

The path to becoming a better leader starts within when faced with their mirror moment or crucible. While it’s sometimes painful, it can also be the most rewarding journey you ever take. Living in the moment can help you recognize when you’ve found something worthwhile to contemplate.

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Leadership Resource Library

How to Use Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

It’s one thing to understand emotional intelligence. It’s another matter to implement it and bring its value to the workplace. Let that be your driving factor toward a happier and psychologically safe working environment. A successful leader brings benefits to the entire organization.

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Worth Another Look

Are You a Socially Aware Leader?

Social Awareness is the ability to understand the emotions of other people and how your words and actions affect them. Another name for this is empathy. When you are with another person, how well are you able to notice, understand and empathize with what they are feeling?

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Here’s What We’re Reading This Week:

Confident Vulnerability: Three Ways For Leaders To Inspire Others

Sometimes, we must remind ourselves that we’re all vulnerable.

3 Simple Ways to Show Your Employees You Care

Don’t just say it. Show it.

5 Reasons Impactful Leaders Need Storytelling Skills

It’s the stories that make you an authentic leader.

Three Essentials In Leading Through Adversity — Especially In A New Role

It’s your strategy to meet it head-on with confidence.

Something to Ponder

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” - Leo Buscaglia

How Else Can We Help?   

We want to help you to nurture the healthiest, strongest teams. We'd love to hear from you if you'd like us to include something specific in a future edition of The Kutsko Report. Simply reply to this email and let us know what topics you want to see us cover!


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