Massive Action.
When we look at the big picture of what we need to do and get done we sometimes get overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed is something that happens to everyone so you can feel some solidarity in that, but what will make you different is how you tackle that feeling. Today we will look at Taking action and the benefit of such I was inspired to write this from my learnings in Cardone University: The Four Actions. ( Grant Cardone )
There are four actions you can take.
But let's take a look back for a second at taking no action, this is still technically taking an action. If you do nothing something will still happen and it's usually something you were not hoping for.
What I can say about this is Grant is correct about the last action. Consistently taking action and pushing past yesterday's mark is the only way to see progress.
With the fear, people get about let's say... Not picking up the phone if you're cold calling or, not making a post for your social media, you are in turn taking the action to not push yourself and as a result, you are losing out on potential prospects. Massive action is the best way to see results. And of course, in the four actions, there is the wrong action that you will do but at least you're not doing anything. With the wrong action, you are still taking a lesson away from this and are continuing to grow as a person.
So keep hustling keep pushing and keep taking MASSIVE ACTION!
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