Massambala: o poder nutricional dos cereais / Sorghum: the nutritional power of cereals
Conhecida em Portugal como sorgo, a massambala é o quinto cereal mais produzido no mundo. Por ser comum e muito nutritiva, é um elemento crucial na dieta de múltiplas popula??es da áfrica Austral, ásia e América Central (Padmaja 2016).
Bastante versátil, pode ser cozinhada como a quinoa ou o arroz, moída para fazer farinha ou estourada para pipocas. é também frequentemente convertida em xarope para ado?ar alimentos processados (Ratnavathi & Chavan 2016).
Que tipos de massambala existem?
A massambala apresenta-se em diversos tipos, que podem ser usados das mais variadas formas.
Os gr?os – brancos, castanhos, laranja, vermelhos, bronze e pretos – s?o um valioso alimento animal e podem ser também transformados em farinha para consumo humano.
As variedades vermelha, laranja e bronze s?o especialmente versáteis, podendo ser utilizadas para alimenta??o animal ou até mesmo em combustíveis. Já a massambala de gr?o mais claro é mais frequentemente encontrada na indústria alimentar.
Qual a sua importancia a nível da nutri??o?
De acordo com Widowati e Luna (2022), meia chávena de massambala n?o cozinhada (100 gramas) oferece:
Quais os seus principais benefícios?
Este cereal:
A massambala da Nutriboty
Na Nutriboty, pode encontrar esta matéria-prima nos nossos deliciosos Cereais de Mata-Bicho (Puro Mel, Banana e Fisális, e Morango e Mirangolo)* e nos suplementos Nutriboost Café e Malte*.
VIVA MAIS com a Nutriboty ??
* Apenas disponível em Angola
In English
Sorghum is the fifth most produced cereal in the world. Since it’s common and very nutritious, it’s a crucial element in the diet of many populations in southern Africa, Asia and Central America (Padmaja 2016).
Very versatile, it can be cooked like quinoa or rice, ground to make flour or popped for popcorn. It’s also often converted into syrup to sweeten processed foods (Ratnavathi & Chavan 2016).
What types of masambala are there?
Massambala comes in different types, which can be used in a wide variety of ways.
The grains – white, brown, orange, red, bronze and black – are valuable for animal nutrition and can also be processed into flour for human consumption.
The red, orange and bronze varieties are especially versatile and can be used as animal food or even for fuel. The lighter-grained sorghum, on the other hand, is more often found in the food industry.
How important is it in terms of nutrition?
According to Widowati and Luna (2022), half a cup of uncooked masala (100 grams) provides:
What are its main benefits?
This cereal:
Nutriboty’s sorghum
At Nutriboty, you can find this raw material in our delicious Breakfast Cereals (Pure Honey, Banana and Physalis, and Strawberry and Conkerberry* and in the Nutriboost Coffee and Malt supplements*.
LIVE TO THE FULLEST with Nutriboty ??
* Only available in Angola
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Referências bibliográficas / References
Awika, J. M. (2017). Sorghum: Its Unique Nutritional and Health-Promoting Attributes. Em Taylor, J. R. N. and Awika, J. M. (Eds.) Gluten-Free Ancient Grains - Cereals, Pseudocereals, and Legumes: Sustainable, Nutritious, and Health-Promoting Foods for the 21st Century (pp. 21-54). Woodhead Publishing.
Davidson, K. & Watson, S. (2022, 22 de mar?o). What is sorghum? a unique grain reviewed. Healthline. Retirado a 22 de agosto, 2023 de:
Frankowski, J., Przybylska-Balcerek, A., & Stuper-Szablewska, K. (2022). Concentration of Pro-Health compound of sorghum Grain-Based foods. Foods, 11(2), 216.
Galán, M. G., Weisstaub, A., Zuleta, A., & Drago, S. R. (2020). Effects of extruded whole-grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) based diets on calcium absorption and bone health of growing Wistar rats. Food & Function, 11(1), 508–513.
Levy, J. (2022, 3 de outubro). Sorghum: The High-Fiber, Gluten-Free Ancient Grain You Need to Know About. Dr. Axe. Retirado a 22 de agosto, 2023 de:
Padmaja, P. G. (2016). Insect Pest Resistance in Sorghum. Em Das, I. K. & Padmaja, P. G. (Eds.) Biotic Stress Resistance in Millets (pp. 105-145). Academic Press.
Ratnavathi, C. V. & Chavan U. D. (2016). Sorghum Syrup and Other by Products. Em Ratnavathi, C. V., Patil, J.V. & Chavan, U.D. (Eds.) Sorghum Biochemistry - An Industrial Perspective (pp. 253-310). Academic Press.
Widowati, S., & Luna, P. (2022). Nutritional and Functional Properties of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)-based Products and Potential Valorisation of Sorghum Bran. IOP Conference Series, 1024(1), 012031.