Massachusetts tests jump by over 20,000; cases follow suit, hospitalizations fall for the second straight day.
-Massachusetts sees 4,946 new cases, as 20,137 tests are conducted over the last 24 hours.
-For the first time, Massachusetts sees COVID-19 hospitalizations fall for consecutive days.
-US testing jumps by over 500,000 since yesterday.
With more testing, there will be more cases, it's important we properly frame every data release to draw meaningful conclusions.
Massachusetts cases increase to 50,969 as testing surpasses 215,000. In the last 24 hours, Massachusetts has conducted more than 10% of all the testing performed in the Commonwealth since the outbreak began. To give perspective, the Commonwealth has tested more people in the last day than 11 states have done since the beginning of the pandemic. That is a herculean effort by our healthcare workers.
Talking about healthcare workers, Massachusetts saw a first today; for the first time, the number of COVID-19 related hospitalizations have declined for two straight days. Since Wednesday, hospitalizations have declined by 126; which represents a 3.17% decline. Wednesday's and Thursday's declines represent the most and second most COVID-19 related discharges, respectfully.
The US recoveries climb above 93,000, as the new case growth rate maintains a three-day holding pattern in the upper 3% range. The US growth rate staying very consistent, despite nationwide testing going into overdrive is a great sign. The more testing, the better. US testing passed 5 million today, an increase of 500,000, which is nearly three times more than the previous record for single-day testing.
On the World stage, cases bump up, but again, no significant trend change.
Italy sees a decrease of 321 active cases; since Italy hit its peak on April 19th, active cases have fallen by 1,730, or a 1.6% decrease.
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