MASS4D? Calibration Process
Carsten Scheibye
Orthotics I Biomechanics I Gait Analysis I Diabetic Foot Care I Foot Posture I Orthopaedic Rehabilitation I Foot Insoles
MASS4D? blends strength and flexibility into every orthotic to create the ideal support for each person.
Our specialised calibration process correlates the person’s body weight, forefoot flexibility and known usage into every foot orthotic.
The resultant orthotic creates mild calcaneal inversion with a maximally supported supinated arch and needed functional pronation.
Foot orthotics lacking this level of calibration will often be either too rigid or too flexible. An overly rigid foot orthotic will be uncomfortable for the patient leading to reduced compliance and will limit the proper medical arch range of motion needed to occur during gait ................ Continue reading on MASS4D? Calibration Process
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