Mass Communication
Audiovisual Consulting Team
The Premier Audiovisual Consulting Firm in New England and New York City! "Creating experiences, designing solutions."
How automating your mass communication systems can save lives
Written by Kristin Bidwell
June 5, 2024
At AVCT, we take designing audiovisual systems seriously. We enjoy all types of projects from experiential spaces to sports facilities, corporate and health care. Sometimes our designs can actually save lives. Let us look at mass communication system implementation. ?
Mass communication systems in K-12, colleges, universities, healthcare, and industrial spaces are the most important component when it comes to active shooter lock downs, severe weather warnings, 911 alerting, hazmat emergencies, and other paging and intercom requirements. Communication must happen simultaneously during these emergencies to be the most effective. Communication must be audible and intelligible for all. Public Address (PA) systems, security cameras, and other visual cues all are important components for mass communication.
For the purposes of this blog, I will focus on active shooters, something that hits home for all of us. If there is an active shooter, only people near the threat know about it because not everyone is close by or aware of the shooter’s existence. The longer the delay in notification, the higher the chance of multiple fatalities. Therefore, the PA system needs to provide immediate notification, and this can be achieved through automated systems.
Long gone are the days when the principal or security team are the only one is allowed to make an announcement over the PA system. You can now integrate technology for automated messaging from computers, phones, and other devices into the mass communication system. This allows the announcements to be clear and concise and continually repeat or loop. A looped recording gives people in a lock down situation the freedom to get others to safety and not worry about making an announcement themselves. This not only allows the announcement to provide accurate information that your students or employees have practiced, but also does not require any one person to be a target for the shooter. It is a much more effective and safer way to communicate.
Active shooters are attracted to sight and sound. A pre-recorded loop can also help mask other sounds to protect those that are crying, breathing loudly, talking, or escaping. This loop will put pressure on the shooter as they are reminded that there is a lock down in place, law enforcement has been notified and is in route, and it continually warns others of the situation. The PA system needs to cover the entire property and outside of the property as well to keep arriving visitors from entering the building.
You can enhance the PA system by using visual notifications such as digital signage or strobe lights. This allows those hard of hearing and notifies the entire community of an emergency.
For schools, there are grants to help pay for mass communications systems. Please see the link below:
Sadly, this is the reality we live in. Don’t be at risk for liability because you didn’t act with a pre-recorded, automated mass communication system. Learn how AVCT can help you save lives and integrate new technologies into your current PA system, or help you upgrade to a new system by reaching out to us at [email protected].