??? Masks Prevent Spread of CoVid-19 … Part  91

??? Masks Prevent Spread of CoVid-19 … Part 91

If masks are so effective, then why haven't Hospitals and Doctors offices /clinics required us to wear them in the past whenever we step into their buildings?

If “science clearly shows face coverings… do little if anything to prevent respiratory illnesses caused by aerosolized viruses,” then, besides basic fear and compliance, how much of mask wearing is simply virtue signaling?

And, added in with fear and compliance, how much more freedom is leaked away through this insidious path?

We are currently experiencing the coordinated effort to recast freedom as selfishness. Despite its many past abuses and misuses, political freedom, as conceived by Constitutional authors, is meant to be exercised with responsibility.

That mindful balancing of freedom and responsibility is the true essence of “self-government,” and self-government is said to be the essence of democracy. Self-government, exercised in the moment-by-moment moral dilemmas presented in daily life, is vital as the essential consciousness training required for spiritual evolution.

The reframing of freedom as selfishness receives a powerful “booster shot” from current pandemic fears. Vast swaths of populations around the world await their coming savior, the COVID vaccine.

If you are a corporation with a product to sell—and that is precisely the situation with vaccine manufacturers—you would rather have your customers clamoring for your product than be in the weaker position of having to force it on them.

That way, the illusion of freedom of choice can be maintained. This requires high levels of fear across the population to drive any market resistance down.

Those with the presence of mind to hold that fear at bay, responsibly exercising the freedom to do their own research and thinking, and make their own decisions rather than surrendering that authority to the state or the hysterical mob, are stigmatized as “selfish.”

 Most people would rather wear the mask than be so labeled. The actual selfishness of those intent and taking your freedom and your money escapes notice, a side benefit of instilling so much fear, or keeping people preoccupied with appearing virtuous.

If mask wearing does not actually reduce infection rates, why are we doing it?

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Conversely, if SARS-CoV-2 is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat and is inactivated at temperatures at or above 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 27 Celsius,35 why aren't we being told to spend more time outdoors this summer rather than closing parks and beaches and telling us to stay at home?



By the way, if you find masks so ineffective, please remember to advise your doctor to ditch it the next time you find yourself in need of medical care and/or surgery. Just let the the germs/bacteria/viruses fall where they may and hope for the best.

We are wearing masks because the govt likes being able to see how easily manipulated people are into doing something that doesn't even make sense. I am sure it brings joy to their heart and laughter to their dark souls to watch all these dumb humans walk around with masks on like dogs with muzzles.

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Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate. 

Thank you …Number one : the doctor and surgery argument is just stupid. Stop voicing words that you heard without taking them in and thinking it makes you sound anything but gullible and bullying.

Second, so guess what, huge infection rates, almost inexistent death rates. What, are you saying we need to wear masks to avoid having symptoms of being alive and human ?

Catching a flu is normal and leaves us alone if you want to panic about normal things of life. Yes, trust life and nature. We were born made of viruses, bacteria and sun, I will trust that before science, ANY DAY.

Are you really as scared as you sound?

You do know Drs in surgery are in a completely different environment than regular household rooms or stores, right??

And btw, my Dr took mine off me and told me not to wear one because my oxygen falls too low with one! Stop whining and do more research!

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I was working when I heard on radio this morning that heart attack and stroke has suddenly declined by 40%..

Good news? 

Why would it suddenly decline?

Simple - money and political interests are having it classified instead as virus caused deaths. Since I was working and now sleepy, I don't have attribution for what I heard.

Want to add word or two?

Given the fact that the virus can pass through the weave of masks due to size, the mask still affects the exhaled air distribution between the wearer and the ambient air.

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A mask can reduce the force/speed of exhaled air and how far away the virus will be spread; a mask may spread the exhalation over a bigger surface, thereby reducing concentrations of the virus straight ahead; and a mask may force some of the exhalation around the mask, which again impacts the distribution of a viral load in front of the wearer, for example when talking to someone.

So it's not just about the weave of the mask being much larger than the size of the virus. Clearly the theory of the virus liking cold dry weather and disappearing in warm humid weather does not correlate with the virus behavior in the warm desert and humid coastal cities.

To me, the fear inherent with the virus stems from the beginning, convincing people it was not a threat as people got sick and died and the virus quickly spread.

Fear increased when most people on ventilators died and there seemed to be no cure.

Then some doctors found cheap effective drugs that, when taken early, reduced the severity and duration of the disease and even greatly reduced the number of deaths.

If these approaches were allowed to be used nationwide, people would have much less fear of getting sick with COVID-19 and treat it like any other case of flu even though it is more easily spread.

Your comment ….? 

If SARS-CoV-2 is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat and is inactivated at temperatures at or above 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit... -- 115 degrees here today, we don't even get down to 80 for an overnight low, and we have PLENTY of sunshine and LOTS of heat.

And here we are a COVID-19 hot spot. A friend just died in the hospital in our small hot sunny town yesterday morning. I will wear a mask and anyone that comes near me better be wearing a mask, I can't believe a word of this considering the above quote I pasted about that 80.6 degrees crap.

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I SERIOUSLY doubt mask wearing has ANYTHING to do with prepping us for mandatory vaccinations. Someone is seriously paranoid over mandatory vaccinations since it seems to be a topic that comes up here all the time.

Funny how the infection rates have started to come down in my state shortly after the governor "allowed" cities to mandate wearing masks and they have. Masks went on, infection rates went down. That's good enough for me.

Most objections to mask wearing requirements are not to the masks themselves, but to the mandate, and well-documented consequences such as oxygen deprivation which should give pause when considering a legal requirement of wearing masks in public.

We already see that most will wear makes in public regardless of mandates. But, it seems entirely irresponsible and unethical for governments to mandate such a practice for everyone.

It is clear nearly everyone is being regularly exposed to the propaganda of the mainstream media that is seeking to convince you that masks will help. So, it is beyond understandable that you would want everyone to wear masks because you believe that they will prevent the spread of this virus and save lives.

I get it, but if you carefully evaluate the evidence independent of the mainstream narrative, it is likely you will conclude that this recommendation has nothing to do with decreasing the spread of the virus, but more to indoctrinate you into submission.

The question of whether we should wear face masks or not to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is a hotly contested issue. Part of the confusion may be related to the difference between viral particles spread via respiratory droplets, and viral particles spread via the air itself.

I believe it's important to realize the difference between these two modes of transmission, and to not overestimate the protection you can get or give others by wearing a mask.

The science1clearly shows face coverings of various kinds do little if anything to prevent respiratory illnesses caused by aerosolized viruses. Many health authorities still insist that something is better than nothing, though, since they do inhibit the dissemination of viral-laden respiratory droplets.

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But influenza viruses — coronaviruses that cause the common cold and SARS-CoV-2 — all spread via the air, not just via droplets or touching contaminated surfaces, and it's important to realize that preventing droplet contamination does not mean you also prevent the transmission of the aerosolized virus. 

Priti Donnelly

Helping individuals and groups resolve conflicts through assisted conversations.

4 年

Covid19 has opened our eyes to a safer world. The way we enter hospitals will change by policy. Once this novel virus is under control, spending more time in sunlight will be encouraged and become a part of our healthy lifestyle. Thanks for this article!

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

4 年

Size Matters SARS-CoV-2 is an aerosolized virus, meaning it floats in the air. One of the issues at hand is the size of the virus. If the gaps in the mask are larger than the virus, it stands to reason it cannot block the virus from entering or escaping the mask. SARS-CoV-2 is a beta-coronavirus with a diameter between 60 nanometers (nm) and 140 nm, or 0.06 to 0.14 microns (micrometers). StatPearls July 4, 2020, Etiology ?This is about half the size of most viruses, which tend to measure between 0.02 microns to 0.3 microns. SPhosp.org N95s — Sufficient Protection for COVID-19? (PDF) Virus-laden saliva or respiratory droplets expelled when talking or coughing, however, measure between 5 and 10 microns. WHO.int Transmission of SARS-CoV-2, Contact and Droplet Transmission ?N95 masks can filter particles as small as 0.3 microns, SPhosp.org N95s — Sufficient Protection for COVID-19? (PDF) ?So they may prevent a majority of respiratory droplets from escaping, but not aerosolized viruses. Lab testing ?medRxiv April 24, 2020 DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.17.20069567 (PDF) Has shown 3M surgical masks can block up to 75% of particles measuring between 0.02 microns and 1 micron, while cloth masks block between 30% and 60% of respiratory particles of this size. For cloth masks, cotton-chiffon, cotton-silk hybrids, and high thread count cotton materials provide the best droplet filtration. As reported by the Emergency Medicine News journal: ?Emergency Medicine News May 20, 2020; 42(58) Does Empirical Evidence Matter Anymore? I guess the question is, does anyone actually care about the science? In a July 12, 2020, Twitter post, Ivor Cummins asks whether empirical evidence matters anymore, and presents statistical evidence showing that mask mandates have not had any impact, positive or negative, on infection rates. Empirical evidence refers to "observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation." In other words, can you show, after the fact that an intervention led to the desired result you were after? ?In the case of mask wearing, the empirical evidence suggests it's a useless intervention, as it has not lowered, let alone eliminated, infections in countries after the mandate was implemented. ResearchGate Preprint April 2020, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202004.0203.v1 RC Reader June 11, 2020 Sott.net April 20, 2020



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