Mask Mandates: It's Complicated
I am vaccinated. The opportunity was there early in the cycle and I took advantage. There are no pictures of me holding the card which could lead to foreign travel this summer. Wait and see.
I still wear a mask. There is no federal case if someone close to me does not wear one. Maybe they are vaccinated, maybe not. It's interesting how Rick Schroeder melted down at a Costco and he was referred to as "Ricky." The burden of being a former child actor
Shouldn't he devote his time to bailing out underage murderers? Yelling at an employee trying to enforce a rule? Not a good look. He is not infringing on your freedom. With over 586,000 American deaths? Wear a damn mask.
Bringing me to hate views. I wear a mask in public. Not in the house nor in the car by myself. I take it off on the walk to the employee parking lot. I shall wear it inside. The rules are so convoluted that you should at least carry a mask with you.
They have fallen out of my pocket so it is easier to wear it where it is not mandatory. We are not out of the woods yet. I have received derogatory comments and useless profile views when I say that it is a small sacrifice and we won't have to wear them forever.
Complete strangers pull "Facts" from the air or wherever else and then view my profile. As if I would want to connect with someone who attacks me as a first impression. If you are comfortable wearing a mask? Continue to do so until such a time when no one has to. We may never reach herd immunity.
I am reminded of Precious the Cat. She was my sister's cat who lived nearly twenty years. I definitely should write an article about her. As she began to go outside she was given a flea collar. She chewed it off. After a couple refittings I said "If you get fleas? That's on you." She didn't. I don't not question maskless people nor ask to see their papers. If everyone actually followed the rules?
The rules change and some indoor areas have been deemed safe and others are not. How random. In that case? Wear a mask. Rules should apply everywhere or nowhere. It won't be much longer and it gives certain men enough time to grow a beard so when the all clear sign is given? You can showcase the beard you grew under the mask.