Mascot Bears!
Who is our Mascot Bear?
Even though we have had our mascot bear since March 2017 he wasn’t named until February 2019 in a mini competition held with our nannies. We received lots of imaginative names, many with connections to trees and forests! The chosen name was Twiglet, and we feel he suits it.
Coming from a nursery setting where we had a mascot bear it seemed only right for Savernake Nannies to have one.
His first trip was to a wedding fair where he sat proudly on the table drawing attention to our stand. Children and adults alike love teddy bears!
We didn’t want his purpose to be purely marketing, and as an agency we feel strongly that we are here to support families and nannies so we packed Twiglet an overnight bag and off he went on his travels #twigletstravels.
Twiglet has helped many families with new siblings, hospital visits, new schools and even teeth brushing!
Ssssshhh don’t tell anyone but due to his popularity there are three Twiglets!
Twiglet has helped Savernake Nannies in many social media posts such as Christmas and safety in the home. He has just released his own Instagram page and has some fun activities to share with you.
When Covid-19 hit this year, Twiglet was unable to continue with his #twigletstravels so we decided to invest in some mini Twiglets that can go on a permanent holiday with some of our families. Keep a look out on Instagram for all their adventures.