T. Marzetti is Nourishing the Growth of a New Generation of Young Professionals
T. Marzetti interns showing their school spirit.

T. Marzetti is Nourishing the Growth of a New Generation of Young Professionals

T. Marzetti’s Internship Program offers a unique opportunity for college students to launch their careers through an exciting summer of personal and professional growth. But the program isn’t just something for interns to add to their resumes – it’s an experience.

A successful internship program leaves participants with 3 key takeaways: tangible growth, a polished set of skills in their area of interest, and an abundance of memorable experiences! We believe the T. Marzetti Internship Program is well-rounded with opportunities to check each of these boxes.

Throughout the summer, interns take ownership of meaningful business projects, develop relationships with each other and with their teams, and share innovative ideas to support company growth. During the program, interns also participate in activities including lunch & learns with key leaders, professional development sessions led by members of our Human Resources (HR) Team, volunteer activities that give back to the local community, a meet & greet with CEO Dave Ciesinski , and social events.

HR Generalist Sydney Wortman , who manages our internship program, took great care in planning each component of the program to ensure that interns were able to get the most out of the 12-week experience. "We structured the program in a way that allowed the interns to have fun while they learned and developed professionally," she said. "The goal was to make this summer purposeful and meaningful.”

The T. Marzetti Internship Program is guided by our company’s purpose, To Nourish Growth with All that We Do. But the program doesn’t just support the growth of the interns – it offers a way for us to grow our talent.

Speaking to the importance of the program from a talent acquisition perspective, Chief Human Resources Officer Helena Josue emphasized that it is a way for the company to “identify and source exceptional young talent that will help us continue to grow as a business with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.”

When selecting candidates to participate in our Summer Internship Program, T. Marzetti recruiters look for students who demonstrate ambition, collaboration, and authenticity.

T. Marzetti’s mission is to be The Better Food Company: Better people, that make better products, in a better corporate culture, that work in unison to make the world a better place. We are looking for intern candidates with a similar mentality – students who strive for better and are constantly looking for ways to improve. ?

Another unique aspect of T. Marzetti’s internship program is the emphasis we place on collaboration.

“We created dedicated spaces for the interns to work together and bounce ideas off of each other, even if they worked in different departments,” said Senior HR Specialist Nia Patterson, MHRM, SHRM-CP , who supported the program throughout the summer. “It wasn’t just the internship program that helped them grow – they helped each other grow.”

Interns also participated in several collaborative activities during their 12 weeks with the company; they volunteered together at the Mid-Ohio Food Collective to help combat food insecurity, and they teamed up to complete a case assignment where they were tasked with formulating an innovative sauce for a potential customer, learning about the principles of food science and research and development in the process. ?

“One of my favorite memories from the summer was our celebration for National Intern Day,” said 2023 Communications Intern Cassie Guy . “It was so much fun spending time with the group before we wrapped up the program.”

At the conclusion of the summer, interns had gained valuable work experience, new connections and strong networks, and skills that they will utilize to continue growing both personally and professionally as they embark on their career journeys.

T. Marzetti interns finish the program knowing that they will always have the unwavering support of The Better Food Company.

“I’m confident that this experience set me up to succeed while I finish my degree and prepare to enter the workforce. I had so much fun learning from everybody at the company and I’m proud of everything I accomplished,” said Emily Slawin , a member of our 2023 intern class. “T. Marzetti made this a summer to remember.”

Interested in learning more about the 2024 Internship Program or other opportunities at T. Marzetti? Visit our careers page to browse open positions or learn more.


