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Maryam Hayal
Social Media Manager | Etsy Specialist | eBay & TikTok Shop Expert| Blog Writer | On-Page SEO | SEO Optimizer
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SEO stands for "search engine optimization." It is the process of getting traffic from the "free," "organic," "editorial" or "natural" search results on search engines.
All major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. Payment isn't involved, as it is with paid search ads.
As a matter of fact, this guide won’t be an “SEO for dummies” case study nor it will focus on “how to do SEO like an expert” techniques that are so unique that you can hardly find them anywhere else (because they don't exist).
For a fact, this guide will focus entirely on simple actionable steps that you need to follow if you want your site to rank higher on Google. These steps are tried and tested - I am using them myself - so there's no guesswork or speculation involved!
1. ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????
One of the first things you should do is understand your audience. This means that you need to know:
What is their demographic?
What languages do they speak?
What culture are they from?
What are their pain points, what motivates them and what keeps them up at night?
By knowing this information, you can start creating content that speaks directly to your client’s needs.
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Understanding keywords is a foundational skill for SEO. Keywords are the words people type into search engines to find information. The more popular a keyword, the more competition there are for that keyword. For example, if you were looking for "how to tie your shoelaces," there would be less competition for this term than something like "best diet pill."
To learn which keywords are popular and how much competition there is for them, use Google's Keyword Planner tool or another tool like Ahrefs or Moz Academy's Open Site Explorer (these tools will cost money).
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So, you've done all that keyword research. You've built your site from the ground up and now it's time to populate it with content. This is where you have to be careful about what you write about not everyone who visits your site will see everything you write, so make sure that every piece of content has something relevant in it for someone searching for that phrase or keyword.
You should also be mindful of how fast your page loads; Google has been known to penalize slow sites due to their effect on user experience (UX). You can use plugins like WP Fastest Cache or W3 Total Cache on WordPress sites so they load quickly, but if you don't want to spend any money on speed improvements there are still ways around this issue: compress images as much as possible without sacrificing quality (this can be done through Photoshop), keep fonts small enough so they don't slow down load times too much and try not using too many images per post since they'll take longer than text-only pieces anyway!
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This is a great way to get started with SEO and will be helpful for later on when Google gives you additional rankings based on user engagement. The best way to do this is by using keywords in the title tag, meta description, body of the article and URL of your site. You may also want to add them as alt tags for images as well.
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As we mentioned earlier, Google considers site speed an important part of its ranking algorithm. If your site takes too long to load, the user may leave without even reading what you have to say. The best way to optimize this is by using a CDN (content delivery network). This will make sure that the content of your website loads fast on any device, no matter where in the world it's being viewed from.
You should also use plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache which will compress images and other resources so that they are delivered faster over the internet. This can make all the difference when it comes down to ranking highly in Google search results!
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Optimizing your images is a great way to improve the searchability of your website. The alt text of an image is what appears in place of the image if it can't be loaded, or if a user has turned off images on their device. Alt text should be descriptive and concise, but also should not include keywords that will get you flagged by Google for keyword stuffing.
Using filenames that are relevant to the content can help users find what they're looking for on your site. It's also important to use accurate file names so that Google knows exactly what the file is about when crawling your site's pages (for example: "Bob_Smith_Headshot_Resume" instead of just "Headshot").
Using appropriate dimensions will help ensure that users see high-quality images when they visit your page and don't have to wait while they are loading up onto their devices!
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Once you have added your business to the directory, it is time to verify your listing. To do this, go back into Google My Business and click on "Manage this page." From here, choose "Basic Info" and then select "Verify Ownership."
There are a few ways that you can verify ownership of your business but one of the easiest and most reliable methods is by uploading a photo with a watermark on it that says something like: "This image has been verified by Google as an authorized image."
After adding a photo and verifying your business listing, add some additional information such as a description (this should include what you do), category (for example accounting services), phone numbe (including area code), and website URL(s) (if applicable).
8. Increase Internal Links Using Anchor Texts
The more internal links you have on your website, the better chances are of improving SEO rankings. However, you don’t want to overdo it either. Here are some tips to help you achieve this balance:
Make sure that the anchor texts are relevant and descriptive for the content that they link to. Don’t just put random phrases such as “click here” or “learn more about us” in your anchor text because Google may see this as being manipulative and penalize your site. This can lead to a drop in rankings and traffic! A good practice is to use keywords when possible but also be creative with how you incorporate them into each article so readers don't get bored by seeing too many similar-sounding words all over again (this goes back to making sure there's variety).
Try not using too many internal links at once; this includes both internal links coming from other pages on one particular website (such as subfolders), plus those within other websites across different domains (such as another company). It's okay if some pages have long lists though because no one will ever visit every page anyway—just make sure it doesn't look like spammy advertising tactics instead! If need be though then go ahead and spread them around evenly throughout each page rather than clustering them together near one particular section.; otherwise, this could cause confusion among visitors about why certain things aren't showing up anymore after clicking around for a while trying out different options."
9. Get Backlinks from Industry Experts and Influencers
You need backlinks to get your site ranked on Google. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your site will rank. There are many ways to get backlinks:
Guest blogging on authority blogs in your industry
Adding relevant links to your content
Social media shares and mentions (this is a good way to generate interest from other websites)
Participating in online communities and forums
10. Use Header Tags Correctly
One of the most important things to know about header tags is that they are used for structure. They are not just decorative elements of your page, but can actually improve readability and help search engines find and index your content.
One thing to keep in mind when using header tags is that there are many different levels of them from H1 through H6, with H1 being the most important (and therefore appearing on top) and H6 being the least important (so it appears at the bottom). The problem with this system is that sometimes it's hard to tell what order they should go in; if you have two headers that are equal importance, how do you know which one comes first? It all depends on what type of website you're working with--for example, if we look at Pinterest's homepage:
As we can see here, the main title for each section matches up with a tag; however since "Pinners" is more general than "Discover", Pinterest has decided to put it higher up in our markup. If we were creating an ecommerce site where every product has its own page then these two titles might not even appear anywhere near each other as they would likely be considered equal importance.
11. Monitor Your Progress with Google Analytics and Google Search Console
Google Analytics and Google Search Console are powerful tools that provide valuable insight into your site's performance.
Both are free to use, but you'll need a Google account to set them up. Once you have an account, you can use either tool on its own or in conjunction with the other. The two applications are integrated so that they can share data, which means that when you monitor your website in one program, any changes will be reflected in the other automatically.
While SEO is an ongoing process, it’s definitely worth the time and effort you put into it. And if you follow these 11 simple steps, you can give your website a good foundation for search engine success.