Luke 2:29 and Mary guarded those things in her heart.
Mary is a great example for all of us to follow. Quiet. A ‘Getta’ kind of person. A God lover. Respespectful. Contemplative.
Born in normal conditions for her time. (99% of the world lives in extreme poverty). Nothing was special about her except she was a ‘getta’ person. She loved God and walked with Him, even at the wee age of 13 or 14. Imagine her predicament in this day and age Here’s a part of my book ‘Matt’. It ’s about what would happen if Jesus were born now, would us believers even recognize Him?
The following is an excerpt from a historical Fiction i wrote about Mary, if Jesus were conceived today……….
Mary was a young girl, barely in her teens when Joseph noticed her. He never said nor did anything forward, but everyone could tell that they were in love and would someday marry.
Living in the city’s garbage dump lowered life expectancy by 10 years, and the quality of life there was miserable to say the least. World population experts say we are experiencing a world wide population explosion right now, 90% of which is from the squalid places of poverty such garbage dumps.
Singing and dancing through life, loving God and happily bearing the burden of their work and daily struggles described this young couple. Joseph and Mary were like diamonds in the mud.
Joseph was a neighbor. Both Joseph and Mary’s families lived and worked in the city garbage dump, recycling garbage. Their homes were one room shacks which consisted of flimsy rotting wood, dirt floors black plastic walls and rusted tin roofs.
Jospeh walked into Mary’s shack one day and boldly asked Mary to marry him. She estatically said ‘SI’!!!! Spanish was their only language. Joseph opened the door to leave with such joy that the door broke free from the hinges. He didn’t even notice. His mother was calling him home for supper! Fried chicken skin that some large restaurant left in the garbage dump. What a find!!! His beautiful fiancé was left behind, glowing with love while sitting on a broken lawn chair supported by a car tire underneath. Life was perfect for Joseph today!!!
One night an Angel told Mary she was going to have God’s baby, and she became pregnant by God. Not by man. Joseph was also a ‘getta’ type of person. He was angry at first but God showed him what the deal was. She was having God’s baby, to Save the world!!
Mary and Joseph didn’t talk much to anyone. They both were extremely quiet. So as with many other things God showed, they ‘Guarded it in their hearts’.
People began to talk. Rumors started flying, and Mary began to show a baby bump. Everyone blamed Joseph who was a good man. He never denied he was the father (although he wasn't). He loved Mary and one day, when Mary was weeks from giving birth, they eloped.
Early one morning, instead of going to the dump, they caught an empty dump truck leaving the dump. First they went to the justice of the peace, then to a man who loved God, and lived in a Godly house downtown. They eloped because they loved each other. The Godly man married them before God, because they loved God and their future baby.
They didn’t take a honeymoon because Joseph made a vow not to touch Mary until after they had the baby. They didn’t have any money for a hotel anyway. The Godly man`s house had a barn in the back yard. Mary gave birth there!! Life was great! And they stored all those things in their hearts…. Until the time was right!!
To be like Mary and Joseph, guard things in your heart. Don’t talk too much. Be a God lover.
Proverbs 10:19 When there are many words, transgression and offense are unavoidable, But he who controls his lips and keeps thoughtful silence is wise.
Dear Donors, first off THANK YOU!!
FOR NOW!!!PLEASE STOP SENDING MONEY until you talk to me
we are not going anywhere!!
We’ve had to formally shut down 7000+ ngos including fundacion corazon puro because Nicaragua has revoked our non profit status.
I can get into trouble. PM me
We will keep limping along for the glory of God, ministerring and feeding the hungry. the best we can, doing what we can. THIS CHANGES NOTHING EXCEPT MY WAIST SIZE MAYBE ??
Pray for us
Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland