Marx’s letter to Lincoln after US Civil War
Click on the following link to read Karl Marx’s letter to Abraham Lincoln after the United States (US) Civil War:
The so called, “Lost Cause” eventually overpowered the rule of law, and today the US empire is finally collapsing from its accumulative crimes against humanity. ??
33 years after Marx’s letter, the US government (USG) militarily invaded Puerto Rico to make her its colony. Puerto Rico is still today a US colony, despite that being in violation to the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism. As additional proof that the “Lost Cause” is alive and well, the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.
Benjamin Franklin said that we have, “A republic, if you can keep it”. We lost it to a plutocracy.
The 87% of US citizens who are dissatisfied today with our government must engage in permanent resistance to force the USG to represent us too.
The US isn’t ruled by a majority!