MarTech Enterprise Website  Strategy
MarTech Enterprise Website Strategy

MarTech Enterprise Website Strategy

Article updated January 2024

Marketing a multi-location healthcare practice like an MSO, DSO, franchise, etc., across multiple DMAs (Designated Market Areas) in the same state or if you have multiple facilities across multiple cities and states, is going to be very different than marketing an individual practice. If you are a a CEO, CIO, COO, CRO, or Marketing team member that is responsible for growing and scaling this type of business with your website and digital marketing, you have your work cut out for you. The good news is that new website technology is making things easier!

DoctorLogic is a leading MarTech agency that specializes in healthcare currently serving 5,000 medical providers across 50 specialties. Typically, when we are consulting large enterprise accounts, what we commonly see in these situations when practices are struggling to compete online, is that the enterprise has ONE website typically built on an open-source CMS platform like WordPress or some other open-source website platform.

>> Learn about The Disadvantages of WordPress

The marketing team and agency builds multiple pages for the brand including a home page, the corporation, its officers or leadership team, some procedure pages, provider pages, and individual location pages, etc. Most of the time these websites only have a few hundred pages indexed on Google. The problem with this strategy is that these types of websites rarely do well organically at the local market level because they only have one or two pages optimized for each DMA. Those are typically the facility page or a doctor profile page, but the individual service pages are often lacking a localized SEO strategy. This forces the enterprise to spend a fortune on branding and paid advertising and if you do not ever address this Website Structure and SEO strategy, this can become very expensive over time as Google's cost-per-click (CPC) continues to rise and as you add more locations it isn't scalable long-term.

Also, Google's CPC has been significantly increasing over the last few years. For example, from 2021 to 2022, across the country the average CPC has nearly DOUBLED nationally and in many markets, it has almost TRIPLED. What that means is that if the corporation brand still wants to maintain the same lead volume, they must spend DOUBLE or TRIPLE what they previously paid, and this makes it cost prohibitive to scale. This is why building a solid Multi-Website and SEO strategy NOW is crucial to your long-term digital marketing success!

Most online searches in healthcare by consumers are typically for procedure-related or condition-related search terms.? What that means is that commonly small, individually owned practices typically outrank the large enterprise with a single website at the local market level.? Most individually owned doctor websites have about 75-150 pages of content indexed on Google.? If you are the large corporation going against that local doctor and the only pages you have optimized are your facility pages and provider pages, you will miss out on a ton of patient opportunities and potentially miss out on 6-7 figures of revenue annually for EACH location.

Consider a different, more effective strategy with MarTech by DoctorLogic

At DoctorLogic, we have a ton of experience working with Enterprise accounts with multiple locations. We have a unique background that I would like to tell you about. Before we entered the healthcare market, we developed our own website platform in 2007 when we were in the automotive space with our previous company, ClickMotive. Most of our work was servicing national brands like Ford, Lincoln, Toyota, Acura, and others. These billion-dollar enterprise companies had large internal marketing departments that still hired us because we were capable of doing things that they, and their previous agencies, were not able to do with open-source website platforms like WordPress, which is slow to build on and expensive to scale.

In these cases when we landed a large enterprise as a client, we built a portal site to market the brand nationally and then we built individual websites for dealerships that were designed for the local market and also rolled up under the brand site for enterprise-level reporting. These individual dealership sites were then optimized locally for SEO and PPC for their specific market. This not only improves organic ranking and lead volume, but it also helped improve their CPC with Google ads due to improved quality scores. Ultimately this strategy helps grow leads, revenue, and your Return-On-Investment (ROI)!

At ClickMotive and we were fortunate enough to grow our market share to where about 1 out of every 6 dealership websites in the country were on our automotive platform. In October 2012, we sold that IP to a division of Autotrader called DealerTrack, and we gave them a license for automotive use only. Today, that same website technology and architecture is what powers today, which dominates automotive search.

In 2013, after our sale of our automotive IP license to Dealertrack, our owners started researching multiple business verticals to see where we could apply this same technology and architecture. When we started looking into the healthcare industry, we realized there were not any platforms like ours built for healthcare on the market, so we formed DoctorLogic as a company, began hiring staff, built a new healthcare-specific website platform utilizing our same technology and architecture that led to our success in automotive. As far as we know, we have the only ture HIPAA-friendly website CMS platform in the industry! It also comes standard with easy-to-use content editing tools, continuous platform upgrades, continuous Google updates, website analytics, lead tracking dashboards, optional call recording, etc. all built in and standard for every customer that we serve.

As we invent new technology, all our customers receive these upgrades at no additional charge. One example is our "Location Finder" which makes it easy for customers to find a facility nearby. Click here to see this on a DSO website.

When we work with a large multi-location healthcare practice, like an MSO or DSO, we still recommend the same strategies that we utilized in automotive with a parent site for the brand and child sites for the individual locations. We also recommend a subdomain structure so all the analytics can remain on one parent URL.

Let's say that you are responsible for the website and digital marketing for a Dental Service Organization (DSO), and you have been tasked to grow your Invisalign business. Below is an example of how it is typically done on a single website vs. how to do it right with a multi-website strategy, so that your brand can rank for Invisalign related searches in each market where your DSO has a location.


Notice there is ZERO mention of location in the URL/domain. This means that the site is essentially competing nationally.


The corporate site (brand site) might have a URL like this:

Each city location would then use a subdomain structure (rolled up under the brand site) with each facility having their own service page optimized for Invisalign in each DMA. It might look something like this:

Each market would have their own child site with multiple service pages that are optimized for their specific DMA. You would set this up for every service page under each child site using a subdomain structure.

Example below:

Corporate site:

Local Sites for San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco:

Locally Optimized Treatment Page for Invisalign in these 3 markets:

In addition to making sure the URLs are optimized for the market, there are multiple other factors at play.

  1. The content needs to be unique for each of these service pages for each market, so that they do not get penalized by Google for duplicate content.
  2. The H1 Header Tags (aka: Title Tags) must also be optimized for the local market.
  3. The Structured Data behind the pages should be unique to each service.

Now you are probably thinking to yourself, "This sounds difficult and expensive."

It can be if you are using WordPRess and doing this without proper technology! Managing everything MANUALLY one website, and one page at a time, without the MarTech approach is expensive and slow. This is why most agencies who use WordPress don't use this multi-site strategy and wants the practice to spend a fortune on PPC and Social Ads.

We make it easy and cost effective for our customers due to the technology that we have invested in from our beginning days at ClickMotive to our last 10 years at DoctorLogic.

Below are 3 examples of enterprise accounts that are utilizing our technology and marketing agency services to grow and increase market share:

Click here to see a hospital website with a few hundred providers

Click here to see the websites for the largest GI group in the country

Click here to see the websites for a DSO that has locations in multiple states

If you oversee marketing for an enterprise healthcare business that has multiple providers, locations, etc., and you are struggling to be effective with your current website strategy or agency, we would like to meet with you. When we meet, you will better understand how our technology works and why it is so effective. I can also walk you through some of our case studies.

Are you ready to grow your enterprise? If so, let's set up a time to talk.

To your success!

John Vakidis

VP of Business Development (Enterprise Sales and Partnerships)

Do you have questions about marketing your practice more effectively online??If so, shoot me an email [email protected]?or call me at 469-458-7126.


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