Mars Opposing Saturn.
Caleb Aaron
is an ape-like creature securing honest collaborators. #helper #creator ??????????♀???????????
Do you know what it's like to want to get something done, but you simply can’t??
I’m talking a full-stop here, one most-potently felt as we approach July 1st, 2021.
Let me set a metaphoric scene for you:? it has rained on your woodpile. There is no kerosene for miles. Oh, and your car won’t start.?COOL.?Not to worry though, because your friends are suddenly not coming anyways, and the lack of power means everything in the fridge for the party is going to spoil if things don't change.
And they don't change. Meh.
Feel into this puddle of a story. Does it nudge at something stirring in your own waters? Perhaps a specific dream-job that you wanted isn’t manifesting now. Perhaps learning guitar, connecting with that alluring clique, or baking vegan chocolate-oatmeal cookies is what has flopped for you…hell, maybe you only wanted to send a damn email!
For whatever reason, however, you’re just not able to get it done. Why is this? Let’s see if we can figure that out together by exploring the archetypal forces mentioned above. Let’s start with the current boss of this celestial stand-off:? Saturn.
Saturn currently disperses a cold wisdom that is not (in any way, shape, or form) going to budge at this time. Not at all. The closest thing to ‘budge’ for this authoritarian force is a ‘budget’. I'm getting flashes of Jadis, the White Witch from Chronicles of Narnia as I type this.
She simply cannot...and/or/but will not...cut you some slack. Nope! And she might even say “it's for your own good”?if you dared ask her.
Maybe it is though? Really, brain? Is this all somehow MY fault? Why don't I get to create what I want? Do I know what I want to create? I thought I did depressing, how maddening are thoughts like these. I don’t want to be with all this arising sadness, this despair…
Meet Mars.
Fuck. This. I’m ANGRY!?Mars is indeed pissed, as Mars is struggling to accomplish something truly wonderful here in Leo—-with such hopes for oneself, too. Sharing and celebrating your significance in life isn’t happening to the degree you feel it should be, and what a darn waste that is.
Let me interject something before continuing on:? I’m sorry.
I desperately want a win-win for us all, and that certainly includes you. As well as everyone on the planet. It’s okay to feel how you feel, fellow human. You stepping up as the protagonist of your story is the primary concern of this healthy martian force in Leo. It makes sense that this proudly-confident lion would feel their creation’s total-halting, and significantly!
The drama certainly builds in Leo, eh?
To intensify matters, Saturn offers an utterly-detached ‘no’ and/or a powerful boundary. Why do I think this limiting force is going to boulder into our reality? Saturn is said to rule the oppositional-aspect and currently sits powerfully in one of her home kingdoms: Aquarius. Basically, when things get tough or divergent, don’t expect Saturn to loosen the reigns on Mars. She has all the power right now; the final say is hers.
What do you and I do with all this frustrated?energy, then? I say unto you, it MUST be honored if it arises. It MUST be! It isn’t appearing for no reason—that would be like saying a sound didn’t have a source. No, your feelings are absolutely valid. So what’s going to happen? How do you channel this vibe?
I don’t believe our future is set. My hypothesis/solution is found in Scorpio (as it is the release-point for the T-square in the heavens on the 1st, but that’s another article entirely). Essentially, I can see this going one of two ways—-most likely something in-between these two scenes will manifest:
1. Remember the dark moment in ‘Star Wars Episode III:? Revenge of the Sith’ when Obi-Wan tells Anakin not to try it? Because he has the high ground? Yeah…that’s the worst-case scenario. Don't do it, Anakin! I get that the feelings are understandably high---but it is not too late. We know that Darth Vader changes his ways in the end, right? Will you pause for a few breaths and allow all the pain you feel to flow?
2. The best-case is likely more of a Kung-Fu Panda training montage. Discipline…not because you have to, but because YOU FUCKING MATTER and YOU CAN once you accept yourself as capable. At the end of the day, if you accept that you can only do what you can do, and research and power-up on what you can control, you're as much of the winner as you can be in that moment. The scorpion doesn't need the applause right now as it explores the unknown. It may even like keeping to itself. So dive deep. Bring with you only what you need, sentient universe-traveler!
I’m rooting for you. Remember Saturn's focus is to get through even the boniest parts of winter at this time, so doubt-not her resolve and power to contract when she feels like she needs to. Does anything happen for no reason? Did everything?
To conclude, perhaps it is possible that being cock-blocked by the universe could be helpful. I’m not saying to blindly trust me on this, folks. Quite the contrary. Instead, could you take this moment in time to ask yourself what am I actually aiming at, anyways? Another way of asking that would be: what is my motivation for going toward this in the first place? Or what needs can I list-out now and learn to approach more consciously when I next get the floor?
If you know your birth time, look to what house Leo occupies in your chart. Or book me. Lol. That could also help you to identify the area where you’re going to be given the cosmic chill-pill. Otherwise, simply tune in. Your heart has a message---can you hear it before you move forward? Perhaps you’ll be even more prepared as you strive to create the next chapter of your adventure if you make use of this restriction.
Let’s say, for example, you have Leo in the 7th house of your significant partnerships. What if you're not supposed to be blasting immediately onto the stage of that relationship? What if being independent, and researching the hell out of what it is like to be you (the independent you), in this situation---and doing so objectively---is what will help you the most?
Read that again. I had to, and I wrote it. Lol.
Wow. I'm feeling emotional all of a sudden! This might be a bit of Uranus squaring-onto the scene, but I'm currently thinking about those in my life who have felt trapped by hugs or human touch. It literally triggered such pain within them. And now my ancestors appear before me in my mind's eye! I guess I need to share a highly-personal story, too.
Okay, I'll do it.
My Granny, an Aquarius sun, used to tell me that 'depression is simply not getting your way' well-before she died. How was---is---she right? How is she wrong? What comes up for you when you read her thoughts on a mental illness? Do you notice yourself getting defensive? Perhaps for yourself or for your friends with this very-real struggle? Or do you agree with her on some level?
Be with the you that arises, no matter what. Try and notice what you feel, think. You might need to take action, but sometimes just noticing is enough. My granny has already left the earthly form, so there is no need to try and educate her any longer. Or salute her experience and wisdom.
I love 'the you' that lingers on in my soul, Granny Avis!
Love, light and the snake's bite,
-Caleb Aaron