Mars Money, Money, Money, Glory, Fame – Escape Wobbly World
?	Sex differences, babies on Mars? Billions Dollars & Pounds? Elon Musk Dreams?
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Mars Money, Money, Money, Glory, Fame – Escape Wobbly World ? Sex differences, babies on Mars? Billions Dollars & Pounds? Elon Musk Dreams?

Mars Money, Money, Money, Glory, Fame – Escape Wobbly World

  • Sex differences, babies on Mars? Billions Dollars & Pounds? Elon Musk Dreams?
  • $200,000 per trip only - Elon Musk nightmares or fantasies?
  • ?Billions Dollars & Pounds Made on Mars?
  • Apply To Mars One Team – for Glory, Fame with Musk and his mates
  • Fed up with Wobbly World – go to Mars, but watch out some say.
  • Radiation some say – no problem others say – Cancer Threat
  • Bone and Muscle Loss for Astronauts – become a weakling.
  • Mars – the opposite of a trip to the gymnasium?
  • Money, Glory, Fame – or remembered for utter stupidity after death?
  • Clumsy Colonists like in the past? Were they just stupid or mainly deported convicts?
  • Acid Test – Sit in a test chamber in lethal radiation from a nuclear reactor for 7 months.
  • Super Acid Test – put your baby in such a test chamber.
  • Elon Acid Test – ask Elon Musk to sit in such a test chamber.
  • Mars Great place to deport convicts? Or great place for a scorching summer holiday?
  • Or – Robots (not humans) to Mars with AI (Artificial Intelligence), e.g. chatbots, like ChatGPT.
  • ‘A robot’s gotta do what a robot’s gotta do’, one could say with his/her/its thumbs in his/her/its gun belt.


?? Dreams of Mars are a detective story in common sense and basic science and engineering.

Look for the experimental evidence.

!+1=2. Simple enough? Not as regards Mars dreams.

1+1=3 for some

1+1=1.512 for others

Try looking up effective radiation shielding for a trip to Mars and also for living on Mars, e.g. via searches on Google.


?? Especially examine carefully what NASA says, and try to pin down if any known economic radiation shielding exists now, or if there is any experimental evidence that any can be created in the near future.


?? In other words, look past words like, ‘it is estimated that it will be developed in the next 10 years’, to laboratory tests have shown that such and such a thickness of such and such a material will be economical and sufficient to shield humans long enough to get to Mars.


?? Try to pin down a test where a human being, e.g. Elon Musk, has been sat down in a chamber with lethal radiation aimed at it from a nuclear reactor. This is with the chamber allegedly protected from radiation by shielding which is supposed to be economic enough and safe enough for a trip to Mars.


?? Go on – try. Please. Please report it to the rest of us if you have fantasies about going to Mars. Please.


?? Would you sit in such a chamber in such a test? For 7 months – about the time to travel to Mars according to the later NASA link.


?? That is the acid test.


?? Actually, I’ve since thought of an even more acid test – put your baby in the test chamber.


?? In addition look at the evidence for bone and muscle loss in astronauts and speculate what it would be like to become a weakling – Mars, the opposite of a trip to the Gymnasium?


?? Have a look at the next links to see if you can spot who is dreaming, and who is realistic.


?? Also search on Google, or elsewhere, about Elon Musk and his Mars dreams, and the millions of dollars spent on his space ships for Mars.


?? I did a bit of such searching, and among other links found that at the next link, which is from September 29, 2019, ?it says,

‘Building Starship on a relatively lean budget has been central to Musk’s vision. He said during his first in-depth Mars presentation in 2016 that the biggest obstacle to sending humans to explore other worlds is not technological — it’s financial.

He said SpaceX’s mission would be to create a vehicle that could bring the price of Mars travel to about $200,000 per person, down from the $10 billion he estimated it would cost using currently available technology. ‘

?? Well, decide for yourself if you can find any evidence that the technical problems, which includes what is feasibly economical, of radiation exposure on a trip to Mars have been solved yet.



?? Have they thoroughly investigated the affects on different sexes, and on babies on Mars?


?? Of course, there is another possibility that has maybe lurched more into reality in 2023. AI.


?? That is that we could send more robots, instead of humans, to Mars, powered by the latest AI (Artificial Intelligence), e.g. by chatbots, like ChatGPT.


?? Then they could go and instead of John Wayne, or similar, saying, ‘A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do’, they can say,

‘A robot’s gotta do what a robot’s gotta do’, with his/her/its thumbs in his/her/its gun belt.


?? Lastly, click on the last link, and listen to Bruno Mars with Uptown Funk, which could be your anthem to sing on your trip to Mars, and to play daily while you live on Mars, if you get there alive.


?? For technical people, the article on hackers should also be of interest.



?? The photo is from the next link.




?? At the next link it outlines business plans on how to make billions of dollars or pounds from Mars.





?? At the next 2 links see videos from different positions of Musk’s star ship blowing up in its latest test in November 2023.



#Mars #Money #MarsMoney #Glory #Fame #World #Wobbly #WobblyWorld

#ElonMusk #MarsOne #MarsOneTeam #RadiationInSpace #BoneLossInSpace #MuscleLossInSpace #BoneLoss #MuscleLoss #Weakling

#StupidSpace #Stupidity #MarsDreams #ClumsyColonists #Colonists #StupidColonists #BlowingUpSpaceShip #ExplodingSpaceShip

#DeportedConvicts #Deportation #Holiday #Vacation #SummerHoliday #Scorching #ScorchingSummer

#Starship #SpaceX #Tesla #RadiationShielding #NASA #NuclearReactor #BabiesOnMars #Babies #SexDifferencesMars

#BrunoMars? #UptownFunk #BillionsofDollars #BillionsofPounds #MakeMarsMoney #RobotsOnMars #Robots

#Chatbots #ChatGPT #AI #ArtificialIntelligence


Peter Bailey

Delivery Driver at Top Secret - My contract forbids me to say who I work for.

1 年

Sorry, somehow effects became affects in my post.



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