Mars in Cancer - Stubborn Emotional Action - Time to Let Go
Jayshree Dhamani
Astrologer, Numerologist, Vastu-FengShui Expert, Tarot , Runes, Graphologist, Palmist, Face Reader at Jayshree Dhamani
Mars in Cancer from 10th May till 30th June.
This is going to be an important transit.
& Mars is going to be a significant planet to watch …for the next nearly one year...
Mars is the dispositor of Jupiter & Uranus. Even Rahu till October end…
& Most importantly, Ketu will be in Chitra Nakshatra from the end of June till March 2024.
There can be ongoing struggle till that time for retaining our desires & let go…
There will be certainly a new beginning by the end of all these transits…
& Mars in Cancer gandanta can give us a clue on where we need to let go….
Mars will cross Cancer-Leo gandanta by the end of June…
Simultaneously, on 27th June Ketu will enter Mars’s - Chitra nakshatra….
Also, throughout this transit, Mars will aspect Libra sign with its 4th sight, where Ketu is placed…
As it is, Mars is not in his natural form while in Cancer….
In astrology, Mars represents our willpower, vitality, & our ability to take action toward something.
It also represents desires that we carry within us.
Ketu, on the other hand, represents separation, isolation, and detachment from the material world.
Any connection between these 2 planets can create an inner struggle about which path to follow….
It would be difficult to realize our own capacity to act, or to fight for our rights.
Ketu’s headless body and desire for spirituality can make Mars confused ... Any action-oriented tasks can be a risky business.
Both are fiery planets... But Mars in the watery sign Cancer will be emotional & weak by his nature….
We need to bring balance between our desires & letting go…that’s the theme of Ketu in Libra…
So, this entire transit… will be kind of an emotional struggle on what to adopt and what to let go….
The theme of this transit will be to manage our emotional side…& bring balance….
Leave behind all that is a block on our path to growth in life and start afresh with Mars in Leo…& Ketu in Chitra Nak...
Mars is all about our masculine energy, passion, how & where we use our courage & …row power.
Mars represents our talents, willpower, courage, ability to take action, fighting ability …accidents, and deep scars.
It also signifies younger brother, male friends, a man for a woman, a soldier, an athlete, and everything related to the vehicle, property…. real estate…
Mars in Cancer will impact our emotions… & feelings towards all these significations…
How do we deal with all these, with family… especially our mother…
Any conflict can be to protect & safeguard our emotional rights…
Mars is the main planet among all the planets being the natural ascendant lord … being the lord of the 1st & 8th house of the natural zodiac…
Mars is a feared planet… & generally, people are scared of Mars...
But Mars provides courage and confidence also to initiate new goals.
With strong Mars… we have a good immune system & stamina to fight any battle or deadly diseases…
He won’t rest till he gets success in his goal.
The commander in chief & warrior Mars in Cancer can be an emotional soldier…
Normally, Mars is very clear, upbeat & straightforward, who does not like drama.
Now, Cancer is movable, watery, even sign & associated with things like the moon, water, nurturing, and being highly intuitive, as well as sensitive and at times insecure…
Anything related to Cancer should be handled with care and affection…which is not the domain of Mars…so it is a challenging placement…
Mars in Cancer…. can be intense and there can be a sense of insecurity, and jealousy which can trigger arguments & fights in relations.
Mars has the influence of only Pluto… the planet of immense power, control & forced transformation…
Mars is facing some great power here... both are dominant in nature… & Change is inevitable for Mars lordship signs - Aries & Scorpio, along with Cancer...
Also, where Mars aspects…& that is Libra, Capricorn & Aquarius…
Mars has its 4th protective aspect on Libra, even Jupiter aspects Ketu & Libra sign from Aires…
The exact aspect of Mars on Ketu will be on 25th May & Even Moon will conjunct Mars in Cancer on the same day….
There will be a cancellation of debilitation. This can be we also have Jupiter – Rahu tight conjunction…
Jupiter’s aspect will make things easy & can help us to achieve balance and harmony in the relations……
The other 2 aspects are on Capricorn, & Aquarius along with Pluto & Saturn…
Be watchful of conflicts & control issues at your workplace…
There can be a major power struggle with this mutual 7th aspect of Mars-Pluto...
Who will let go of their power would be interesting to watch for….
Expect the unexpected, major change, & sudden spur of conflicts over some small matter…
Avoid misunderstanding or any ego issues in close relations.
The tight aspect of Pluto on Mars on 21st May should be observed closely…
As this can activate a strong feeling of jealousy, disagreements, or arguments
You may rely on your heart & feelings, to make a decision. Logic & reason will become secondary with Mars in Cancer.
You may keep changing your stand, action, & even your plans... every few days, when Mars in Cancer….
What will help is to remain grounded.
Throughout this transit… Mars is aspecting Saturn with its 8th aspect…
We may deal with fear, some sudden event & anxiety of the unknown, or any health-related matter…
Expect some twist & turn where Aquarius is placed.
Also, Mars is square to Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury & Uranus…in Aries.
Our all focus can be on defending ourselves… it's like the soldier is tied up…Even Saturn is moving very slowly…
Movement can be paused…resulting in frustration or bust of emotions in anger.
There can be an ongoing inner struggle for freedom throughout this transit without any ease…
& that’s why it is very important to calm down …not to bust out or remove our frustration emotionally.
The saving grace here is only Venus in Gemini & later in Cancer… Venus can balance any serious fights with its diplomatic approach…
Venus in Gemini can channel our thoughts…
The way out from any chaos is to have clear communication… go for travel… meet friends and siblings…
If you try then there are good chances that… you will be able to manage this time well…
Aggression, misusing power, or threatening… is all signs of weak or afflicted Mars.
Normally, Mars initiates action and drives it with the force of will…
But while in Cancer it uses its emotions which won’t go well.
Mars can be very moody in Cancer…. & that’s not him….
Mars in Cancer demands extra efforts to remain healthy as you can easily give up…
Mars rules blood, and muscles in the body so during this transit blood-related problems like impurity or sugar levels can fluctuate, & even heart issues…can pop up….
Then Mars will transit through Punarvasu, Pushya & Ashlesha nakshatra….
Mars will be very comfortable in Punarvasu – Jupiter’s nakshatra till 16th May.
This can impact & change anything related to your career in a positive manner.
Punarvasu signifies renewal or recovery of something that you thought …you lost…
It can rekindle old connections and bring new development.
Then till 8th June, Mars will be in Pushya – Saturn’s nakshatra where Mars aspects Saturn in Aquarius with its 8th aspect…
Saturn is not a friendly planet for Mars, but Pushya is a very auspicious nakshatra.
Mars will be determined to nourish and act for the welfare of everyone but with an eye on Saturn…Mars can be slower than normal…
Even Saturn is very slow and will be retrograde on 18th June….
Saturn is placed 8th to Mars so this transit of Mars in Pushya will be the starting point of change & new beginning…
Then till 30th June Mars will be in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
It is Mercury’s Nakshatra who is a bitter enemy of Mars… But is placed well, 11th from Mars in Taurus.
Ashlesha Nakshatra is a ‘Tikshna Nakshatra,’ which means dreadful.
If Mercury is unafflicted then, it can bring healing also while Mars crosses gandanta.
After retrogression, Mercury is very fast in June and changes 2 signs within a month.
From Aries to Taurus on 8th June and then on 25th June to Gemini ...its own sign...
Mars will also cross gandanta point and Ketu will enter Chitra Nakshatra on 27th June…
All these are heavy transits towards the end of June and demand much of our patience…
The final degrees between the water & fire signs are a deeply emotional transition point.
It is known as an emotional karmic knot or some difficult situation that you are trying to sort out for a long….
Mars's transit through this gandant point may trigger things & those karmic patterns can come out in the open…
Your peace of mind & the family environment can be disturbed…There can be emotional fights & debates…
Make sure these fights do not take bad shape & try to close them at the initial stage
Also, after the 25th of June Mercury – lord of Ashlesha will be in Gemini…its own sign but 12th to Mars.
Discarding what is not working can be the main goal here... Time to let go & remove unwanted things from your life.
The interesting part here is, Venus, is following Mars, quietly & steadily from 31st May to the end of this transit…
Mars gets a push from Venus…which can be doubly emotional but also diplomatic in nature….
Venus is also moving at a slow pace as Venus will go retrograde later in July…
All in all, …. only our thoughts, Mercury is running fast…. without much concrete action… with Mars in Cancer …& Saturn & Venus moving slowly….?
Apart from Cancer, the most impacted signs will be Aries & Scorpio as Mars is the owner of these signs.
Secondly, check the signs where Mars aspects & that is Libra, Capricorn & Aquarius will also be impacted
This Mars in Cancer can show gradual progress for Taurus, Aquarius, Libra & Virgo as Mars will be placed in 3,6,10, and 11 houses from these signs.
Let us now check for each ascendent in brief how … Mars in Cancer will impact & where you need to have emotional control…
The analysis so far will help everyone to understand the general impact of Mars in Cancer…
Also, it’s not about good or bad impact…. but it’s about responding well to whatever comes your way.
Check the Cancer sign in your chart…. As that would be the focal point…
Be extra careful to avoid any conflict based on emotions…
Start with Aries…
Aries:?This transit can bring some change…It affects your home life, your peace of mind, relations, partnerships, career, and network…
It’s best to avoid getting into any power struggle and stay flexible….
Taurus:?Some disagreements can be with your siblings or your bosses, elders, and father figure…
Expect sudden travel to distant places. It’s time to take care of your health & manage your day-to-day activity…
Take care of your relations, and expenses.
Gemini:?You may have emotional arguments with your family members, or for children. You can be impatient & wish everything to happen quickly …
Expect sudden changes in finances, health…. & there can be delays in all your dealing…
Cancer: This transit can impact your personality and health…You are kind of feeling active and energetic but weak emotionally.
You can use this time constructively in your career…also make necessary changes in your home or vehicle.
Watch your temper. Avoid conflicts, & controlling others in relation.
Leo: You may travel to a foreign country or go on vacation….
In the past couple of months, you have worked very hard …. now it’s time to relax and have some ‘me’ time.
It’s time to work on your health & improve your communication in close relations
Virgo: This transit can bring some much-awaited rewards with sudden change or your desires can get fulfilled.
Your family, network, and friends are totally supportive of you …
There is excitement but do watch your health & do not get into conflict with anyone.
Libra:?All your energy is used in your work zone and public life…. all eyes are on you and your performance….
Your close relations & personality will shine.
You will surely give justice to everything with total dedication.
Scorpio?Mars is your ascendant lord and important planet…though it's in a water sign, you are much better than the past couple of months…
There can be foreign travel or expenses on learning, or on the home front…
Avoid fights with siblings, neighbors, or friends…
Sagittarius: Very transformative time for you. Matters related to foreign travel can have new development…
There can be expenses… Things are changing for you and you are not the same from here….
Watch your speech & be gentle in your communication.
You may get rewards for your hard work…there can be a new addition to your circle…
& Maybe you are preparing yourself for some new beginning.
Capricorn:?Be careful & do not be too aggressive within your relationships and avoid any conflicts…
You may put all your energy into your work zone, and your health, and you will see positive results...
Your image in society, family & finance will get better…
Aquarius:?Right now, you are putting all your energy into building your personality, having a disciplined daily routine, and taking care of your health.
A perfect way to use this Mars energy is to fight challenging circumstances with strong emotions …
It’s time to improve your knowledge, correct your opinions…& travel to distant places...
Pisces: Avoid speculation there are chances of loss due to this…
Rather use your time for some healthy entertainment…have some relaxed time…
It's a good time to reflect on making necessary changes in life for growth & achieving success...
That’s all for 12 ascendants…
To conclude:
Mars in Cancer is not a very comfortable place for Mars…
Pluto will push Mars to make some most difficult changes in life.
With Mars in Cancer, it is important to consciously keep up with your stamina by being active or doing exercise…
Mars in Cancer can create Pitta or Kapha dosha. Watch your eating habits eat seasonal food and you will be able to pass this transit peacefully.
Especially towards the end of the transit when Mars will be at gandanta point.
Avoid taking any extreme emotional decision as there can be hurtful arguments…
You can easily avoid this by remaining calm. Proceed with caution around this time.
Don’t get into the flow of impulses and have balance while handling any tense emotional situation…
Be alert…where and how you are using your energy…is it constructive or destructive….??
The answer to this question to yourself will help you pass this transit peacefully…