Mars Awakening - Chapter 6
Mars Awakening

Mars Awakening - Chapter 6

Copyright ? 2021 Brett Mahar

A link to Chapter 1 can be found in the first comment.

The next morning, Sam woke up with a slightly sore head due to the vodka. He lay on his bed and reflected on the days before the Mars rover construction. He wasn’t entirely sure it was all Chase; everyone just needed something to do, something to work on, a direction. He no longer had mixed thoughts about the commander: He constructed a vehicle in eighteen hours. Sure, he broke the rules, but he did it with ease, with not even a manual in sight. He doubted if even the guy who designed it could have reconstructed it without at least referring to the manual once.

Sam no longer doubted Chase’s intelligence, and he always respected anyone who was good with tools. Sam dragged himself from his bed so that he could hunt Chase down before the meeting. Something was bugging him about the assembly yesterday. He was extremely impressed with Commander Chase; that part was fine. His concern was regarding the actual design of the vehicle, the Rover ZX01.  

As Sam approached, he said “Commander, a word, please.” Chase, he found, was already up and seated in the command module. He seemed to be interrogating the AI about the onboard equipment, how it all worked. His requests were quick, he never seemed to pause, taking little time to process the information. Given his photographic memory, Sam wondered if he simply reviewed them later.

Commander Chase faced him. A small lift of the eye was all he gave away.

“About yesterday,” Sam began. “Does anything strike you as different about that vehicle?”

Chase raised his eyebrows a little further.

Sam continued. “When were you frozen, Commander?”

Commander Chase stared and asked him why he was connecting his frozen date with the vehicle. He didn’t seem surprised by the question, which gave Sam the impression he already knew where he was going with this line of questioning.

Sam continued. “I was frozen in mid-2027, and at that time, we were still in the planning stages of tech like this rover. We did some missions into space, but nothing like where we are now. In mid-2027, the tech didn’t exist for the rover we assembled last night. I built cars before, and I was aware of what was around. Those gen 5 cyber trucks are awesome. This vehicle is different, years ahead, let alone the simplicity of its construction. It should have been a tangle of wires. Instead, it was simple, no wasted wire, no wasted connections, and no wasted metal, a beautiful construction. Obviously specifically designed for the task, but still, that tech is highly advanced.”

Chase, calm, still not blinking an eyelid, said, “So, what are you suggesting, Sam?”

Sam thought about it for a while. “What year is it, Commander?”

“A good question, Sam, although of absolutely no help to our current situation. I suggest you keep that one to yourself for a while. The crew does not need to be running off on tangents. Let’s just focus on what we can work with. This is our equipment now, and we need to understand it.”

Chase continued, “At this morning’s meeting, your assignment will be equipment engineer, and your job will be to understand all our equipment completely. I’ll assign you a small team, Jacky, Luke, Adrian, and Pascal. I recognise you should probably take charge of the whole mission, but I’m guessing you don’t want the responsibility. People will be bugging you, and you just want to play with all your neat, futuristic toys.”

Sam nodded, “Good observation commander”. He had managed people before, lots of people. And most of the time he wanted someone else to manage, but there were so few competent managers that he ended up having to do that as well.

At 10:00 a.m. everyone was in the command module, present if not totally awake for the morning meeting. Chase began. “All right, everyone. Yesterday, I took a test to construct a fancy Martian car, and I failed. I couldn’t carry the parts by myself or assemble the rover by myself. I think it would have taken me weeks. Now, thankfully, all of you assisted me, and, in a few hours, we had a supercharged Martian Rover ZX01.”

A few cries of woohoo emerged from the group, a good sign. He couldn’t have asked for a better result, given how yesterday started.

Chase nodded and said, “Sam was a little disappointed in our success, something about cheating and, therefore, he has proposed a greater challenge. He has challenged me to build a fully functioning Mars station, one with enough food and essentials for life. Sam also has a bit of a luxury streak, and he wants all his creature comforts, too. In fact, he wants us to make it so comfortable that after a few years he may not want to leave. Now, I’m hoping you will all help me cheat on this test as well.”

He continued, “So, today, I would like you to spend some time getting to know the modules. Sam is going to need some help constructing three modules into a gardening area. So, if you would like a task or are looking for something to do, please see him. Julie is going to need some assistance in the canteen, so some of you, please assist her. Tomorrow, I’ll break us into groups, and we’ll take more dedicated responsibilities.

“Mission Control has put me in charge, and LJ second in charge; now, I’m not sure if they did that for a reason or just based on ratings. I’d like to propose a trial of three months. I’ll be in charge for three months, with LJ being my second in command. At the end of three months, we will sit down in this command module and vote for our management team.”

He went even further, “I’ll also create a vote of no confidence if you feel you have no confidence in my management, you can in the morning meeting request this vote, and if you have majority support, we’ll vote on it and build a new management structure. We’re on Mars. We have enough challenges, and I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re in prison. Let’s work together, achieve together, and follow the law. To be clear, Martian law will follow American law.”

He rubbed his head, a habit they would grow to know meant he was uncomfortable with the next subject. “Given our close quarters, I believe it’s appropriate to mention that, although I hope not necessary, any sexual advances must be reciprocal. Nothing will break us apart quicker than breaches in this area. I do not want to be dealing with harassment, and I will be very firm in these cases. Remember, there are cameras everywhere. We can find out the truth.

Martin put his hand up, Chase said “raising your hand is not required Martin”. Martin blushed and then asked “Would you like us to salute you commander? I’ve never been in the military, I thought we could design our own salute.”  This question seemed to shock Chase, and he quickly replied “That will certainly not be necessary, I’ve never served in the military, and I don’t know why they have given me this title. Please just call me Chase and under no circumstances do I give you permission to salute.” Okay, so we break up for today and meet tomorrow at 7 a.m. Have a good day, start tinkering with the equipment and don’t break anything. LJ, may I have a word?”

Chase felt the meeting went well, with his initial plan of ripping the group apart thrown out the window. At this stage, he realised they needed support. They needed to come to grips with their current situation and, if possible, start enjoying themselves. The work would come, and it would be endless, but first he needed their trust. Who knows, in three months he may not be the boss anymore. He would honour his statement. Trust was king in this situation.

LJ walked over and asked what he was after. He asked her to sit down and grabbed her a coffee. “I wanted to talk to you about our plan for the next three months.”

LJ seemed taken aback that he was actually offering to let her in on the plan. Maybe they should go somewhere private, she told him, but he really didn’t want to move. This was the place to earn trust, he thought. Right here, right now. Make your plans in front of everyone, let them see, let them comment, let them be involved. There are enough secrets on this mission. “How about we just do it here, where there is life-giving coffee? My thoughts are to split the group into four, covering different responsibilities. I have created a list of areas I think we need to cover.

“September, please show the high-level task breakdown list on the main board.”

A list appeared on the main board, and everyone in the room shifted around to look. Atmosphere, power, food, water, managing supplies.

“You missed managing the computer systems,” LJ immediately said.

“Computer systems add external sensor tracking,” said Chase. “I wasn’t thinking of having an individual team, looking at the computer systems. Each team will need a computer function, so I would rather add these into the teams.”

“What about maintaining the modules?” added Sam. “There are always going to be little things that need checking. We need to know if the seals on the doors are going to fail, for example.” This then appeared on the list.

“How about finding water?” This was Adrian. “We have an unknown amount of water, but if we want to grow sufficient amounts of food, we will need lots of water. Can’t grow things without lots of water. Is there water on this planet?” he said with a sad look.

“All right, that’s our base list,” said Chase. “There will be another thousand tasks added, but I think that’s a good start. Now, I have broken the group into teams. Four teams with mixed skills. September, please show the proposed group listings on the main screen.”

She showed the listings on the main screen, and they all took a few minutes to take it in.

Luke was annoyed. “Why are both Kaya and I working for Sam? Either of us should be a group leader.”

“Let me explain, Luke,” said Chase. “You’re right. You could easily be a group leader, but let’s give Sam his due. He knows his stuff. Also, I have stacked Team 1 with our most focused specialists. My thoughts were to give Team One the role of discovery, figuring out what all our equipment does. That will be your main focus, and once we work that out, it will be handed over to the other groups to manage. I saw you and Sam yesterday. You both know your stuff, and you enjoy it. Give it a go for a few weeks. If it fails, we’ll try a different arrangement.”

There were a few different conversations along the same lines, although the groups did not change. Everyone agreed to give it a go. When placed on the screen, it seemed fairly simple, only a few tasks each. Chase would present it formally at the meeting tomorrow, but pretty much everyone took part in the discussion. As he left the command module later, he had a spring in his step. It had gone well. He had a loose plan; the details would be extensive, but the team would fill them in.

LJ caught up with him and asked for a quiet word. They moved to an empty module.

“What was that? You ask for my opinion and then involve the whole crew? Sure, we should involve the crew at some stage, but we should build a more solid plan first; you just created a task list. We need to be planning six months to two years ahead. I already have a plan if you want to see it.”

This was coming, Chase knew. Maybe he should have tipped her off. Just something about her made him peevish. “Well, yes. At this stage, we need to build trust. Having quiet meetings in corridors doesn’t build trust.” He looked around, pointing out that’s what they were doing. “Of course, we can build a six-month and a two-year plan, but for now we need to get to work. We have picked the core tasks now, and we need to do them. I will gladly look over any plan you created, and we can further expand it to encompass everything.”

“What’s with the vote of no confidence? You’re forcing me to align completely with you, and you didn’t even give me a choice? That’s bullshit. People like you don’t give away power. I heard you talk with September. No rules, remember? You love breaking the rules,” LJ said, quite scornfully.

“No, LJ. You’re assuming I’m the same as you. You know virtually nothing about me. It’s people like you who don’t give up power. People without the skills to hold a team together without rules. If they vote me out, then you can have 100 percent confidence I’ll accept whatever the group agrees to. I have no wish for the title commander, but people like you need titles like that. Why don’t you ask yourself the question of why you deserve to be second in command?”

LJ looked shocked. No one ever questioned her command skills. Chase plunged on. “You should start thinking of it as something you need to earn. Sam, Kaya, Luke, and Robbie would do a much better job than you in the short term, and I see leadership in most of the others. Get off your high horse and look around. That team may be a mixed group of individuals, but their capability is untapped. I don’t think I could have assembled such a strong team. All of them have a specific skill, but also many secondary skills that will be just as important. The only one I couldn’t work out was Adrian. Why is he here? He doesn’t seem to have any special skillset. Do you know what his hobbies are, LJ?”

The question surprised LJ. He was down as a labourer, and although by Chase’s tone she was fairly sure there was a different answer. Rather than trying to bluff, she said a straight “No.”

Chase gave her a brief and triumphant raise of an eyebrow. “I spoke to him while we were putting the vehicle together, what his hobbies are, what he did outside of work. It turns out he owns extensive grounds, and his main passion is gardening, growing fruits and vegetables and entering them into competitions. Adrian only works part-time mowing lawns to support his hobby. When I asked him if he would like to plant eight hundred square meters of crops, he nearly wet himself with excitement and asked when he could begin. I bet he’s assembling the gardening equipment as we speak.”

Chase let this soak in before continuing. “I will treat you like the second in command, LJ. But you need to prove yourself just as much as I do. In three months, they will get a chance to vote for their leaders, and the only way you or I will retain our positions is by working hard and getting to know everyone. Build trust. Show them we have their best interests at heart, and not our own. Now, I think, we’d better get to work.”

The conversation ended, and it would be some time before they spoke again.

As Chase walked down the hallway, he knew he lied to LJ and even to himself earlier. He wouldn’t give up power so quickly. He knew hardship and hunger in his early years, and it wasn’t until he stood up and took control that he broke away from those chains. He wasn’t really after power. The power to hurt people or degrade people was not what he wanted. It was the control over making the decisions that drove him. He would play the role of good leader to get these people onboard and follow him. He will become a great leader, if necessary, for him to stay in control. Waking up on Mars, with no knowledge of how he arrived, that was the opposite of being in control. It burned at him. He would gain back control and somehow build a life for himself here on Mars. He wouldn’t remain a play toy of TronTV. He would play that role for however long it took. But deep down, he was a lion, and he wouldn’t let them put him in a cage forever.



As Chase returned to the command module, it was nearly empty with everyone heading off to different tasks. Kaya sat at the table and subtly indicated she would like him to join her. Chase approached and realised again that Kaya was an attractive woman. She was wearing the simple TronTV clothes, although she had chosen a quite tight fit, which Chase couldn’t help but notice. She was wearing her hair out and she had magnificent thick, long hair.

As Chase sat in the indicated seat, Kaya spoke, “I think you’re doing well, Chase, and I particularly like that you emphasised that any sexual advances must be reciprocal.”

Chase replied, “Thank you, I thought it was important, as well”

Kaya raised an eyebrow in a questioning look. “I just wonder that possibly you could have gone a little further. Let me ask you, do you think I should have to wait until after I’m sexually assaulted for you to use the video to discover my attacker? Do you not think with all these cameras and a working AI you could think of a more active method?”

Chase stammered, “Umm yes, I can think of a more active approach. Sorry, I never thought of it in that way.”

Kaya said “Just a small oversight, no problem, you’re doing very well. May I also ask if you need to embarrass Janette, we all saw your little confrontation in the hall. I actually brought up the feed and think that possibly you’re being a bit harsh on her.”

Chase, now feeling awkward, said, “That was not my intention; I wanted to challenge her to be the best she could be. Break down any entitlement she might have, it will make her work harder as a leader.”

Kaya replied, “Very well, as long as that’s the reason and you are not just being a small man.” Kaya stared briefly at Chase questioningly, gave him a small smile and then casually rose and left the room.

Chase shook his head once Kaya left; she certainly knew how to knock him off guard. 


 LJ returned to her room almost in tears. She had no idea why she had walked to her room and why she was so emotional. She sat on her bed and wished she had someone to talk to. She could not stop reflecting on her first week. When she woke up all alone, she was scared, and she was alone for three days before Chase awoke. Listening to his conversation with September was a double-edged sword. Yes, it was great to hear another human voice, but it was not so great that the voice belonged to Chase, the criminal gang leader who was responsible for thousands of deaths.

Tears ran down her face. What should she do, here on Mars, trapped? Would she survive this? The first time she met Chase, she was terrified. Honestly, she expected him to have the horns of a devil. She had thought he would immediately wake up and start shooting guns and slitting throats. She had built up the courage to see him by getting angry, perhaps not the best way to introduce yourself to a crime lord. He was not what she expected. He also didn’t give her any subsequent thoughts that he might switch back to his crime lord, gun-shooting ways.

Thank you for taking the time to read Chapter 6 - Mars Awakening. The full book can be purchased from Amazon, paperback, ebook and kindle unlimited. Link in the comments.

Brett Mahar

Process Safety Manager - Polymers at Viva Energy Australia

4 年

Mars Awakening Chapter 1 link: Amazon Link:


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