MARRIOTT LAMENTATIONS 158: The Bespoke Collection (11): To be clean or not to be clean, that is the question; coming clean about Marriott associates

MARRIOTT LAMENTATIONS 158: The Bespoke Collection (11): To be clean or not to be clean, that is the question; coming clean about Marriott associates

'International Housekeepers?Week' is celebrated every second full?week?in September. Marriott 'Associate Appreciation Week' usually takes place every May?

Marriott executives were?in 'sweeping' rhetorical flow during this year's 2023?International Housekeepers Week:

* "In recognition of International Housekeeping Week, thank you to Marriott housekeeping associates around the world. You play an essential role in delivering a great guest experience, providing a clean and comfortable environment so travelers feel at home, while staying focused on the extra details, big and small, that can make a stay truly exceptional..." (Anthony Capuano)

* "I am thrilled to honor and celebrate our extraordinary associates during this special Housekeeping Week. Achieving a seamless guest experience is a team effort... Their meticulous attention to detail, commitment to excellence, and dedication to ensuring a pristine guest experience are truly commendable. At Marriott International, we understand that the heart of hospitality lies in the impeccable service and comfort we provide to our guests. Our associates play an indispensable role in upholding these standards and exceeding expectations..." (Rajeev Menon)

* "We are truly grateful to our housekeeping associates who are the unsung heroes who ensure the cleanliness of each room and the comfort of our guests during their stays. In honor of International Housekeeping Week, we are excited to introduce our new Power of Clean Day...? We are taking time this week to say ‘thank you’ to our housekeeping associates and their partner disciplines in Greater China for helping to keep our hotels clean and for taking care of our Marriott families and guests. Your commitment to service is inspiring..." (Yibing Mao)

* A warranted response:?

"What a joke. What hypocrisy. Are memories that?short?? They have forgotten:

- when many of these celebrated workers were so callously made redundant by Marriott during the pandemic, in some cases even failing to pay?a final salary; - the 2018 'One Job Should Be Enough' strikes; - when the UK government announced that Marriott housekeeping payments were below the national minimum wage; - that Marriott has reduced housekeeping?hours in many of its hotels across the globe (in many cases making rooms less clean and making the task of housekeeping much more gruelling); - that Marriott is now developing housekeeping robots with a view to ousting most of the human variety... Marriott's claimed respect for its housekeeping staff and other 'lower rung' associates is bogus, shallow and short-term..."

* One of many recent guest online comments: "... Outside of resorts and some luxury properties, everyday hotels over the last two years have been the dirtiest I have ever seen because reduced housekeeping means dirtier rooms. It’s not like maids are getting more time to clean a room after four or five days of no service. I am getting hair on toilets or shower and on the bedding at almost every property. It’s just disgusting, not least because some of the chains are still claiming they have extra cleaning protocols in place. Those extra protocols missed the used vibrator and lube oil on the floor next to the bed at the JW Marriott in Miami" [View from the Wing]

* From an elite guest?on Linkedin: "COCKROACH?infestations?within JW MARRIOTT?hotels, which, let us not forget, are integral to the Marriott BRAND. One shocking incident stands out - to discover floating cockroaches in coffee...?[this followed]?a distressing muffins mishap recently at JW Marriott Hotel Kolkata. Purpose in conveying these incidents is not motivated by a desire for compensation or free stays. It is a fervent plea for Marriott to confront the glaring incongruity between its public image and the harsh realities faced even by elite guests like myself. Recognize the profound impact they have on the SAFETY?& HYGIENE comfort of your guests..."]

MARRIOTT LAMENTATIONS 56: "From Clean Principles Spring?Clean Hotels"

Marriott claims it "has long had a reputation for high standards of hotel cleanliness with well-established cleaning processes and training in place". The?"Marriott Global Cleanliness Council is focused on developing the next level of global hospitality cleanliness standards, norms and behaviors that are designed to minimize risk and enhance safety for consumers and Marriott associates alike." Wow -?biblical stuff; sounds like?heaven on earth!

A Google search reveals a different picture. For example, not so long ago?China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism launched an investigation into?the cleanliness of Marriott’s luxury hotel rooms in China. That same year, housekeepers on strike in the US exposed the mess of Marriott's "Green Choice" programme. Bedbug and cockroach tales abound on the internet. Only last month was there the?report of a new arrival checking into?an uncleaned room due to a shortage of housekeeping staff. [Deflecting responsibility], Anthony Capuano, Marriott?CEO, claims that guests should?have more sympathy for hotel owners. "Somehow [Marriott] management is in a bubble where they hear mostly from their true customers, hotel owners. Guests are the product they sell to owners"?(Gary Leff in View from the Wing -?'Marriott CEO Says Some Covid Cuts Permanent, Emphasizes Hotel Owners vs. Guests')

"Wash yourselves and be clean! Get your sins out of my sight. Give up your evil ways" (Isaiah 1:16)

The moral message is clear; Marriott executives should?scrub?themselves down?and hoover?out the boardroom:

"Clean up your act. Cease?your?deceptive words; your?corruptive behaviour?that affects people globally; your human rights violations; your power-driven?greed; your hypocricy. Be?transparent,?accountable. Cast out denial; embrace?integrity." (Marriott Book of Lamentations 56)

Basically, it's time?for the Marriott Corporation to "clean?house"

[First published 5th October 2021]

MARRIOTT LAMENTATIONS 93: "Associate Depreciation Week"

With its?fanfare of rhetoric, disharmony?of fake affection and chorus of fibs, Marriott's Associate Appreciation Week has now been and gone.?"Associate Appreciation Week is one of the most wonderful times of the year for us at Marriott International. It is a beloved annual tradition of recognizing our exceptional associates around the world and thanking them for the difference they make" (Anthony Capuano, Marriott CEO)

Welcome, now, to Marriott Associate Depreciation Week (MAD-Week). Brief instances of MAD-ness:?

?* As instructed in the Marriott?Business Conduct Guide, Mohamed sent a report to Marriott HQ about the serious corruption taking place in his Cairo hotel. Marriott disregarded its promise of confidentiality and Mohamed was?retaliated against and sacked. He?took his case to a court of law; Marriott has since interfered with the evidence?

* Nadine reports: "The Marriott Business Conduct Guide - [what] fun!?I was always commanded by my leadership to go out and lie to the customers... to mitigate the massive overselling of physical inventory..."?She also refers?disparagingly to off-shore outsourcing and the consequent increase in work?load. "[In my final days?at Marriott]?I was kept on an extra week during COVID to hit peoples credit cards and collect cancellation penalties. 'Come and work, collect as much money as you can, doesn’t matter if you get COVID,?then after that?we will treat you like [everyone else]'... zero respect for human life"

* Andy says: "The manager would tell me, 'Listen, the owners don't care about fixing up rooms. We know there's mold and a/c issues, but just assign these rooms anyway because it's not going to get fixed.'?I was being asked to do something completely unethical...?by vile people who just do not care about their guests nor their employees." After Andy left,?Marriott claimed it?had?neither?his EIN or W-2 on file

*? ?Elvia reports that the daily number of people working each housekeeping shift has been halved but with rooms no longer cleaned daily and hours cut the work has become harder. "If you don't clean a room for five days you have five days of scum in the bathrooms. It's scum over scum" Representing hotel workers, D Taylor Of UNITE HERE said: "This is all about more money in the owners' pocket by putting a greater workload on the frontline workers and eliminating jobs". (UNITE HERE was prominent during the 2018 Marriott strikes. The 'One Job Should Be Enough' campaign hit 8 major US cities)

* New York Attorney General Letitia James recently announced an agreement with Marriott that will provide hundreds of previously terminated workers with more than $2.9 million in undelivered severance pay.?“Marriott fired hundreds of employees last year due to the pandemic and to add insult to injury, deprived them of the financial security they needed during that critical time. No individual should ever feel the hopelessness that these workers felt when Marriott failed to deliver the severance pay they were promised"

* It's?4 years since?Marriott was named and shamed by the UK government for paying below the national minimum wage yet?St Ermin's Hotel in London has only just?announced its commitment to a "real living wage". Is that something?to boast about??Capuano recently fretted:?“People may have left hospitality permanently."?Had Marriott treated its workers?better before and during Covid they might never have left the industry in the first place;?they already know how they will be treated if they return

Marriott Associate Depreciation Week is not a cause?for celebration. It is a moment for outrage, a moment to reflect on the employment of spin to manipulate truth and whitewash?wrongdoing. ?When it comes to "integrity" and care, "putting people first",?selectivity is unacceptable and unworkable. Core values cannot just be documented?and then ignored; they have to be?acted out with unflagging resolve and its a process?that begins in the C-Suite. At Marriott, as things currently stand, honesty, authenticity and incorruptability?are qualities expected?of?those on the lower rungs;?unscrupulous, contemptuous behaviour is the prerogative of the higher echelons who?rejoice in?their ability to maintain the great rhetorical corporate cover-up. BE?MAD!

[First published 13th June, 2022]

MARRIOTT LAMENTATIONS 42: "Associate Care - Another?Marriott Myth"?

"Take care of your people and they will take care of your customers... I want our associates to know that there really is a guy named Marriott who cares about them" J W Marriott

"Marriott has well-defined and long-standing policies and practices designed to ensure that our associates are treated with dignity and respect" (Marriott Business Conduct Guide)

In reality, the Marriott organization promotes and supports a culture of sycophancy, bullying and corruption. The?following notes offer a flavour of?the?Marriott model,?practised to a lesser or greater extent across the globe:

- Basic approach: obsequious?associates with their eye on the corporate ladder?receive?favours; ethical associates who speak out (as they are supposed to) are cold-shouldered or?punished; others?are made to live in fear of retribution and opt for a quiet life

- Associates are expected to?attend?online training (for example, on matters concerning Marriott 'Anti-Corruption Codes'). An electronic signature?confirms they?accept and have knowledge?of "proper practice". Sooner or later, an associate?may be?forced?to act unethically (even criminally), against?company policy?and personal standards. Marriott executives and middle management,?having sanctioned?the breaking of rules,?escape?censure by?throwing back the burden of responsibility on to?the employee who (having?signed?acceptance of "proper practice")?is?then admonished

-? "Marriott respects the confidentiality of associates who report potential 'Business Conduct Guide' violations and has a no retaliation policy for associates who raise a concern honestly and in good faith". This is?blatant deception. Associates are known to have been retaliated against and even ousted from their job. Corporate level?investigations have?ended up supporting "local corruptive practice" with?whistle-blowers receiving?zero support

- After?being?dismissed for speaking out about corruption, those associates who may attempt?to take legal action against Marriott are severely intimidated and "squeezed"?over a long period of time. They often?end up?having to raise?the white flag, their lives already destroyed

- 'Associate Engagement Surveys' are mandatory and should be completed confidentially. Evidence shows that associates are either a) being intimidated?under supervision to write favourable reports on hotel management teams or b) having their feedback altered later.?Those?seen?to write?negative comments are retaliated against

- 'Brand Standard Audits' are being?corrupted by hotel management (and Marriott Head Office is aware of this);?associates that refuse to co-operate are severely punished

- With many GMs being trained to act and rule like kings, misuse of power is rife. Racist and sexual harrassment are just two?of the abusive behaviours?that associates may?be?subjected to. Slavery within the hotel industry?is alive and well

-? Unscrupulous GMs are covertly permitted to appoint cronies and yes-men, irrespective of knowledge, experience and qualification,?a perversion?of equal employment policy

- Associate perks such as hotel discount rates are frequently closed to unfavoured employees, at the whim of management

- Secretariats are coerced to "invalidate" negative responses on 'Guest Satisfaction Surveys' to achieve higher?hotel ratings for their managers

- October to December 2018: US Marriott workers go on?strike in?the?fight for a living wage under the slogan 'one job should be enough'

- In 2018, Marriott?is named and shamed?by?the UK government for paying below the minimum wage

- Lower level employees are sometimes?sacrificed to save the reputation of senior executives (eg. in?the China/Tibet?gaffe?2018)

- "Marriott puts tens of thousands on unpaid leave"-? FT March 2020. Marriott has apparently used?Covid-19 as a day of reckoning for some of its?more principled (often long-serving)?associates

Is this really a company that cares?

[First published 7th July 2021]

MARRIOTT LAMENTATIONS 60: "Associate DE-preciation"

Marriott's Associate Appreciation Week 2021 is nearing?its?end. Of course, there are those who regard the entire exercise as a sham. Associate pay and associate safety at?work remain key?factors in a long-standing?debate. Are associates genuinely recognised and appreciated in the Marriott organisation or are these just shallow affirmations emanating from a shallow boardroom?

In 2018 the UK government?named and shamed Marriott?for failing to pay the national minimum wage. In the US in the same year Marriott hotel?workers went on strike. The "One Job Should Be Enough" campaign was hailed as?"the largest multi-city hotel strike in North American history". Thousands of Marriott hotel employees?walked the?picket lines demanding better wages and?workplace safety. My own research suggests that little has changed since

An article in The Motley Fool offers further food for thought ["3 Stocks That Could Struggle Amidst the Global Labor Shortage" - October 28, 2021].

On Marriott, Trevor Jennewine comments:?

"I don't think Marriott's on the verge of going out of business, but I do think, there is a recent article in the news that they have about 10,000 vacancies across 600 hotels, and I think that situation is going to get worse"

"They're going to have to make a decision about, are they willing to pay their employees more, offer better benefits, and there's actually an interview with Marriott's CEO [Tony Capuano], a Bloomberg interview, and [he]?essentially blame[s]?Amazon for paying their employees too much, and that's why [Marriott is]?having these labor troubles. Because people like Amazon are paying their employees - TOO MUCH!"

"... [Marriott] is going to have to make a decision. Is it going to focus on profitability? Is it going to maybe spend a little bit more to get some employees? I think it's an interesting situation"

[First published 29th October, 2021]


* The?"Bespoke Collection"?contains previously published short articles (some now edited) which, with clarity and brevity in mind,?offer?a snapshot?of how the St Regis fraud was engineered and continues to be sustained alongside other related issues regarding?Marriott, Minor, EY and hotel industry corruption?

The St Regis Bangkok?conspiracy defines?the amoral and perilous?state of today's global brand-driven hotel industry, and how?multinational hospitality corporations, bent?on world domination, behave?within?a seemingly unregulated industry. Marriott, an industry bellwether, continues to?hide?behind the security of local corruption, expanding its?global footprint with ease, maligning communities and individuals in the process

*?The?Marriott Board?and senior executives?continue?to receive correspondence on a weekly basis but rigidly maintain?their?silence

John Shepherd (Marriott victim)


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