A marriage of Particracy and Direct Democracy : Is that a good improvement to our Western society ?
Joannes Sevenhans
Alcatel Academy Distinguished Member_2001 ...IEEE_Fellow_2000 for contributions to the design of solid state telecommunication transceivers ...PhD 1984 KULeuven ...Semi-retired ...Always looking for a next project ...
A multi-party system like we have in the Western world is the closest that humans were able to get to democracy. Much better than dictators ruling over countries in the past but can we get closer to democracy by a marriage of the multi-party particratic system of today with a direct democratic wing to make the people more involved in the progress of the country that they live in ?
Switzerland already has a limited implementation of direct democracy with referendums on subjects to decide about and UK used this system for the Brexit voting recently.
Full direct democracy is probably utopia for this century but this should not discourage us from trying to improve our democracy and also the internet and digital social media can help this process to proceed :
3D = Digital Direct Democracy, a new global movement of the Brave Citizen