Marriage Junction1
Watch out! Watch it, keenly. The enemy might be waiting for you at a junction you never prepare to fight him. Destiny hookers and watchers might be waiting for you at the Marriage Junction. Be ever ready for war at every junction in life.
Unknown to the anointed Samson, destiny foes have been waiting for him at the junction of his marriage. His war with the Satanic hosts began the very moment he arrived at this junction. The moment he set out in life to seek for a marriage partner, the hot war began. My dear reader, are you up to seek for whom to marry? Oh, come on, you've got to be battle-ready for the enemy of your life, The marriageable junction often sparks a beginning of the hot war. It was the time of life when destiny foes made a declaration of war against the mighty Samson. Satan knew it for sure that you will arrive at the marriage junction, one day. He knew 95% of humans will one day pass through it.
There is a war zone for every man and woman in life. The fact of the matter, many get their destiny hooked at earlier junctions. For examples, Abraham arrived his own war zone after his marriage, Joseph at his teen age, Moses before his birth, Jabez and Ichabod on their naming occasion, and David, as soon as he was anointed for kingship. However, for Samson, the destiny foes waited at his "Whom to-Marry" junction to wage the fierce war against his destiny, destroy his life and end his ministry.
In this series, I want to open your understanding to the marital ordeal of the one-man army, called Samson. Join me tomorrow.
{To be continued}
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