Marqués - a Narco Macbeth to be published in ACMRS Press' "The Bard in the Borderlands: An Anthology of Shakespeare Appropriations en la Frontera"
Drs. Katherine Gillen and Adrianna Santos (both at Texas A&M University–San Antonio) and Dr. Kathryn Vomero Santos (Trinity University - San Antonio) are collaborating on a project called The Bard in the Borderlands: An Anthology of Shakespeare Appropriations en la Frontera, which will be published as an open access book with ACMRS Press, the publishing arm of the Arizona Medieval and Renaissance Center at Arizona State University. This anthology will collect and make available Shakespeare appropriations set in or engaging with the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, thereby enabling culturally and regionally relevant teaching, performance, and research.
"In recent years, we have witnessed a groundswell of Borderlands Shakespeare productions that engage with the unique, hybrid culture of la frontera and that interrogate the complex layers of colonialism shaping both the region and Shakespeare’s reception in it. " - Dr Kathrine Gillen
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