MARPOL Ek VI ?lave IX’a ili?kin de?i?iklikler (IMO DCS) / Amendments to Appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO DCS)

MARPOL Ek VI ?lave IX’a ili?kin de?i?iklikler (IMO DCS) / Amendments to Appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO DCS)

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IMO Gemi Akaryak?t Tüketimi Veri Taban?na sunulacak bilgilerle ilgili olarak ?lave IX'da yap?lan de?i?iklikler, 01 A?ustos 2025 tarihinde yürürlü?e girmek üzere MEPC.385(81) say?l? kararla kabul edilmi?tir. Ayr?ca, Taraflar 1 Ocak 2025 tarihinden itibaren ?lave IX'da yap?lan de?i?iklikleri erken uygulamaya davet edilmi?tir.

MEPC.1/Circ.913 - MEPC.385(81) say?l? kararla kabul edilen IMO Gemi Yak?t Tüketimi Veritaban?'na (IMO DCS) ta??ma i?i ve geli?tirilmi? ayr?nt? düzeyi ile ilgili verilerin dahil edilmesine ili?kin MARPOL Ek VI ?lave IX'da yap?lan de?i?ikliklerin uygulanmas?na ili?kin k?lavuz” de?i?ikli?inin uygulanmas? i?in MEPC 82'de onaylanm??t?r.

Bu K?lavuza g?re, veri toplamadan ?nce SEEMP, Gemi Enerji Verimlili?i Y?netim Plan?n?n (SEEMP) geli?tirilmesine y?nelik 2024 K?lavuzunu (MEPC.395(82) say?l? karar) dikkate alarak MARPOL Ek VI'n?n 26.2 say?l? kural?na uygunlu?u sa?lamak i?in revize edilmelidir. Ayr?ca, Uygunluk Onay? - SEEMP B?lüm II'nin MEPC.1/Circ.914'e g?re revize edilmesi gerekti?i de unutulmamal?d?r.

Türk Loydu, de?i?ikli?in erken uygulanmas? i?in gemi sahiplerine/i?letmecilerine revize edilmi? SEEMP - B?lüm II'yi 01 Ocak 2025 tarihinden ?nce do?rulama i?in sunmalar?n? hat?rlat?r.

Amendments to Appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO DCS)

The amendments to appendix IX with regard to information to be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database was adopted by resolution MEPC.385(81) with an entry into force date of 01 August 2025. In addition, Parties were invited to the early application of the amendments to appendix IX from 1 January 2025.

For application of the amendment “MEPC.1/Circ.913 - Guidance on the application of the amendments to appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI on inclusion of data on transport work and enhanced granularity in the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database (IMO DCS) as adopted by resolution MEPC.385(81)” was also approved at MEPC 82.

According to this Guidance, prior to collecting data SEEMP should be revised to ensure compliance with regulation 26.2 of MARPOL Annex VI taking into account the 2024 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) (resolution MEPC.395(82). It should also be noted that Confirmation of Compliance – SEEMP Part II should be revised according to MEPC.1/Circ.914.

Türk Loydu reminds ship owners/operators to submit revised SEEMP – Part II for verification before 01 January 2025 for early application of the amendment.

Daha detayl? bilgi i?in / For further information


Ba? Ara?t?rma ve Kural Geli?tirme Mühendisi /?Principal Research and Rule Development Engineer

Tel : +90-216-5813700 (805)

E-mail : [email protected]



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