Marmite audio ads: do consumers love them or hate them?
Companies run ads for different reasons with different goals in mind, but a common benchmark that separates a "good" ad from a "bad" ad is how well it captures consumers' attention. An ad that's gone unnoticed can't be considered "good". Who wants their marketing budget to go down the drain and into obscurity?
The notorious food spread that's been dividing The British Nation since 1902 really caught our attention. Maybe even hypnotised us into testing two of their audio ads.
Ad #1 is one minute long and explains how - no matter who you are - it's really a good idea to take the Marmite gene test to finally find out if you are a lover or a hater.
Ad #2 is 30 seconds long and reminds us that Marmite is the perfect mood-boosting breakfast food that's basically as good as medicine for people lacking dopamine on Monday mornings.
Do consumers like your audio? Is it clear? Does it stimulate to action? How can you improve it? With the Audio Test research solution, you can test advertising or informational audios lasting up to two minutes. Getting actionable results only requires 15 minutes of your time.
Now, before we reveal the results. Can you guess which of the ads was more liked? Clear? Relevant? And most importantly, which ad sparked a desire to buy Marmite?
Although different in length and message both ads scored relatively high in general perception. People mostly like them, but it's important to delve deeper into the report in order to extract actionable insights.
The shorter ad lacks clarity, while the longer ad lacks relevance. The shorter one doesn't drive people to learn more, while the longer one does. These are insights that can be used to make adjustments and increase ad effectiveness.
The final part of our reports, the comment section can provide helpful clues as to what improvements to make:
I'm just really tired of media and advertising in the UK that harks back to the Britishness of yesteryear. Despite the wide variety of characters in the recording, they seem like something out of the 1930s. But I guess that, "middle England" centrality is what Marmite is trying to convey? - Male, 57 (on the longer ad)
Curious to hear those ads yourself? Listen to the two ads and see the full report here.
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