Mark’s Star Trek Style Recording
Look out! How high-tech is this?!
So Mark Bryant has been back to make some more drum cover videos for his YouTube channel.
This time, Mark’s choices were: Primavera by Santana and Adventure Of A Lifetime by Coldplay.
So we recorded Mark’s tracks as usual, but this time in The Roadee! Of course there’s not enough room for a drum kit in The Roadee – no problem, we have an acoustically-treated, soundproof trailer that’ll do the job a treat!
So Mark was in our nicely air-conditioned trailer (aka The Box That Rox) with a big screen in front of him displaying the control room in The Roadee - so the communication with the engineer was still great! In The Roadee we also have a big screen displaying the internals of the trailer so….. nice!
Here’s the videos – please take a look and show Mark some love by liking them, leaving a nice comment or subscribing to keep up to date with when he releases more!
The full version of this abridged news story can be found where it was originally published - the CMP Studios website.