This marks number 1 of a 10 post series. My backstory, & My readers unwritten story.
Entrepreneur | VC | Public Speaker | Author | Consultant for Fortune 500 Companies | New Mentorship programs available
Over the next few weeks I plan on putting up a series of 10 posts. This post is #1 out of the series of 10. I strongly suggest checking my Linkedin page Young Entrepreneurs every day. I will be putting up posts randomly so check often. The best advice I can give you is this “ TAKE GOOD NOTES” By the time I'm ready to post Magic #10 you will be hooked on my Methodology, Philosophy,
Knowledge, Insight, Theories, Motivational, and inspirational learning for life I guarantee it !!!
There is no doubt in my mind that I will change the way you do everything and the way you view everything. In this first post I'm going to tell you a little bit about me. I come from very humble beginnings that had an amazing outcome. The main reason why I want you to know part of my back story is because I want you to know that anything is possible. I have overcome every hurtle, obstacle that was put in front of me, and I ignored everyone that said I would fail.
I used everything that was stacked against me to motivate me to do more every single day. I made the impossible POSSIBLE !!!
The word ( impossible ) itself clearly says I'm Possible.
Remember we live in “The Land Of Opportunities” !!!
Now that I have reached such a high level of success I'm going to do something that no one else has done year to date. I'm going to help others achieve their dreams and goals. Whether you want to be a successful artist, a musician, a producer, a writer, a journalist, a clothing designer, a jewelry designer, an interior designer, A fitness trainer, A Professional Model, a Professional Bodybuilder, a Public Speaker, an MLM pioneer, or a Top Earning Real Estate Agent... What ever your passion is in life I am going to help you to succeed. Once you reach a certain level in life part of enjoying your success is always giving back to charities which I will get into later. Also giving back to people that are just starting out in the world. This is what makes us human is helping out the people that need it the most. I'm really hoping to start a trend of people helping other people. With all my heart I want to see everyone's dreams, passions, goals, and visions come to life. Just so you know up front Yes there is going to be a lot of reading involved...
So lets begin shall we.....
You have to view your life like a book. Is your life story going to be one filled with adventure, mystery, inspiration, twists and turns, highs and lows like a drama. Maybe it will be so intriguing that everyone that reads it will read it again, and again, and again. Then after they are done reading it they are going to tell all of their friends how absolutely amazing your book is and its a “ Must Read Book”
They will post quotes from your book on their social media pages. They will get on your mailing list. They will follow you on every single social media and multimedia page that you are on. They will be addicted to leaning your methodology. They will fall in Love with your life story like a great romance novel.
Here's the interesting thing about viewing your life like a book You get to write all the pages in between. If you were to write your life story right now how many people do you think would read it ???
If you just said Uh No one, that means you probably wouldn't read your life's story..
Do not worry by the time we are done here your Life Story will be so amazing and unbelievably phenomenal, when people get to the last page they will feel as though they have just lost a friend. They will be begging you for a follow up book, because your life's journey has just begun. Everything has a starting point this post is yours where you go from here is completely up to you. I always take life to the next level of learning and enlightenment knowledge is the key to success. If you don't believe me ask any college professor !!!
I'm a huge numbers and statistics guy. I look at everything from every possible angle. I only make well thought out and well calculated moves. There is a science behind everything I do.
Everyone reading this has heard of the 1% The top earners the worlds most Elite. I'm part of that 1% as you may have noticed I did not put my name on my Linkedin account instead I put Young Entrepreneurs. Because that is exactly what I am, a Young Entrepreneur and I embody every characteristic and trait that comes with that title. I'm a mover, a shaker, a money maker. I've been Mentored by some of the worlds most Elite Men and Woman.
I spend 80% of my time researching new technologies, new enterprises, new business ventures, Real Estate markets, I Read IBD religiously ( Investors Business Daily ) because I follow the stock market very closely. I'm on the V.I.P. List of over a 100 Galleries because I have a deep appreciation and love of Art. On average I read 20 books a month, and I attend at least one seminar a month.
I attend Estate Sales, auctions, liquidation sales, if there's a way to capitalize on something I'm there.
I never set limits on my life, Only Goals. I am constantly challenging myself by researching different ways to make money.. I'm as addicted to learning as I am to creating wealth. I knew early on if I ever wanted to succeed in life. I had to literally learn every single industry that was out there. So I became a very serious student of life. I have always worked 3 jobs the majority of my life. Because I wanted the first hand experience of each industry so I worked all of them until I felt I had learned enough in that industry then I moved on to the next.
There is no better way to understand every single industry unless you have worked every single industry. I started out by studying the food and beverage industry, Coffee industry, Dock work shipping and receiving, Alcohol industry, Hospitality industry, Then the construction industry, Landscaping, then retail, then casino's, then I was a bartender. After that I studied the MLM industry, and other home based business enterprises. I was Mentored by a Real Estate guru on buying and selling Real Estate. I learned everything there was to know about marketing, advertising, promoting, E-commerce, Branding, Brand awareness, Upselling, outsourcing, Managing, micromanaging, Writing S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedures, Dress code policies, Capturing customer information, How to build Rapport, Customer Retention, Client Retention, How to attract new clients while retaining existing clientele, How to massively improve conversion rates, and increase P.O.S. By 25% How to reach target audiences every time. corporate culture, corporate expansions, franchising, social media, and multimedia, print media, blogs, forums, groups, news letters.
I attended 100's of seminars, I bought 1,000's of audio books. I paid a countless number of industry experts to teach me everything they knew, because I wanted to know every single aspect of every single industry. I knew the only way to master an industry, was to learn from the masters. There is a reason why people become captains of industry. All of these great men and woman that have paved the way to success, they all have the same traits, the same work ethic, the same mindset, the same desires. The only thing that separates them is the different methods that they used to get where they were in life.
Success leaves tracks you just have to learn how to follow them.
All of the work experience I have, and Life experiences played a key role in my success. I know how every single department works in every single industry. This is why I am so sought after by large corporations. I know what to look for in each department. I can look at the structure of a business and tell you if it will work or not. I can evaluate departments within a day or two. I can look at business plan, or future forecast and tell you immediately if it will work or not, or how accurate it is and why its accurate. I've become an expert at identifying problems and coming up with immediate solutions.
I literally have thousands of different skills and unique talents that I apply and use on a daily basis.. I've been asked to speak at over 500 Corporate events over the last ten years because I have a proven track record for success.
The reason I am telling you all of this is simple. If you want the most out of life. The 6, 7 or 8 figure salary, the big house, multiple cars, a vacation house, a yacht, a dream vacation. All of these thing cost money, lots of money in fact. So the moral of the story is the more skills and knowledge you have the more valuable you become to the Market Place. I am telling you a small part of my life's story for a reason, because I want this next point to really sink in..
My first job was a waiter I earned $2.13 an hour. Fast forward to today I currently get paid between $500.00 to $2,000.00 an hour to do consulting. My consulting fees vary by the size of the corporation, and the amount of work I need to do.. I'm making 6 to 7 figures doing public speaking per event. In 15 years I went from earning $2.13 an hour to averaging $1,000.00 an hour. It used to take me almost 2 weeks to earn a $1,000.00 now I make that in one hour.
When people say how can one person earn $2.13 an hour and another person earn $1,000.00 an hour. The answer is simple the person earning a high wage is more valuable to the marketplace.
The more skills you acquire, the more languages you speak, the more knowledge you have the more valuable you become !!!!
I want to stop here for a brief moment and reflect back on something I wrote earlier. If I were to write a book just based on my work experiences and my life experiences so far can you see how much value I could add just based on life experience alone. There's literally Millions of Dollars worth of insight and knowledge I could put into one book. I would have to write close to 500 books to be able to elaborate on all of my knowledge, and life experiences.
I'm going to do something I have never done before. I'm going to tell you some details about my life. I grew up with three strikes against me. Strike one I grew up in the projects. Strike two divorced parents. Strike three I hung out with the wrong people.. I just listed the top 3 reasons why most people fail in life, or I should say excuses most people use as to why they could not succeed.. They live in a Ghetto, They come from a broken home, all the people they know are alcoholics, drug addicts, thieves, gangbangers, or ex-cons, or just flat out lazy... Here's what you need to take away from that last sentence, You're not your friends your friends can be heavy drinkers, or extremely lazy or a million other things.. You as an individual have the ability to choose which direction your life goes in.. I looked at my friends and quickly realized I didn't want to be anything like them. I knew I couldn't change my destination over night, but, I could change my direction over night. I overcame adversity by self educating myself by constantly working, and by refusing to settle for anything less than what I thought I was worth. You have to have a sense of self worth. Once you acknowledge that to yourself you will start raising your standards. You will find a way to make it work. Where there's a will there's a way. If I can do it so can you that's the mindset you need to have now and always..
I want everyone that's reading this post to know I didn't come from money, I'm a self made Millionaire.. Growing up we were so broke we had to save up just to be poor. The Welcome mat on our front porch just said WEL 3 letters That's it. I grew up in a Ghetto A.K.A. The projects.. We were so poor we didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.. When most people went to school they were asked to write essay's about what they wanted to be when they grew up.. Our Essay's were what would you like to be if you grow up.. The only other Essay I knew was the guy on the corner..
Every time I passed by I would say what's up Essay...
All through junior high school I worked 2 jobs and saved every penny I made. I worked 3 jobs every summer, and continued to work 2 jobs all through high school. Because I dreamed of a better life not just for myself but for my family as well. Yes there were a lot of rough patches and hard times in my past, but that's exactly where I leave them in the past because it's all behind me. I live in the present and look towards the future. The reason I shared a part of my life with you is because I want you to know no matter what your current situation is you can achieve anything you set your mind to.. Never settle for anything less than what you feel you deserve. If I could reach through this screen right now and give every person that's reading this post a hug and tell them “ You can do it, You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, you're an amazing person and there are so many people in this world that Love you and care about you and want to see you succeed and I'm one of those people”. I would do it in a heart beat I want everyone out there to know there's someone out there that believes in them. If anyone ever tells you “Don't even try, Or you're never going to amount to anything, or the only way to live is the thug life” THEY ARE WRONG !!!!!
My own father told me “ I was a piece of shit in a toilet waiting to be flushed” when I was 15 years old. When I heard him say that I was crushed, As long as I live I will never forget those words. I used his disturbing sentiment as motivation to better myself, and to become more valuable in life.. My father was the furthest thing from a role model. My father was arrogant, ignorant, disrespectful, demeaning, verbally abusive, and the list goes on and on.. Fast forward to 1998 my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Then in 2000 he start exhibiting sign of Alzheimer's Disease, and currently he is starting to show signs of Dementia. I know 99% of people would have left him to his own devices to die alone and miserable, but not me. I have power of attorney over my dad and I make sure he is well taken care of. I have 2 live in health care professionals with him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I cook most of his meals and feed him as often as I can. I sit and talk with him several times a week, and the times I can't be there I call.
Even though I had a really rough past I have learned over time to leave the past where it belongs behind me. I know the time I have left with my father is limited. So I cherish these times where he is actually grateful and human, it's an even bigger blessing when he remembers who I am.. The best part is I will have a few great memories of my dad.
Everyone regardless of where they come from can achieve GREATNESS !!! So if the people that surround you every day only have negative things to say to you, its time to make some new friends.. If you use negativity as motivation to prove everyone wrong as I did you will literally have no limits in life.. There are people in the world that wake up every day filled with positivity and give off good vibes all day long.. I know I'm one of those people.
Surround yourself with positive people. People that believe in you. People that believe in your hopes and your dreams, and your visions.
Because those people will inspire you to do more and they will help you celebrate all of your successes in life. When you are constantly surrounded by positive people who are positive thinkers with dreams, and goals its absolutely amazing. You can actually feel a surge of energy when you are in a room full of positive thinkers its almost indescribable, its something you truly have to experience to understand the full value of that emotion.
Just so you know Success is neither magical nor mysterious its the steady progression towards ones own personal goals. Which brings me to my next point If you can't afford to buy books to educate yourself with go to the Library you can take books out of the Library for free.. Side note- Get a Library card first which is also free.
So If you ever feel like you have it rough or your situation is horrible take a ride through Newark New Jersey, go visit Camden, Detroit Michigan, or what ever poverty stricken area is closest to you. Also known as the Hood, The Projects, The Ghetto, The jungle. After your visit to the Ghetto I want you to reevaluate your current situation.
It will give you a whole new found respect for everything you have. Most people do not realize how blessed they really are let me enlighten you..
Do you have a bed to sleep on you're Blessed.
Did you wake up this morning you're Blessed.
Do you have 2 arms 2 hands 2 legs 2 feet 2 eyes you're blessed.
Do you have the ability to read, write, and communicate you're Blessed.
Do you have clean drinking water you're Blessed.
Do you have a roof over you're head you're Blessed.
Do you have food in the refrigerator you're Blessed.
Do you have a phone, a computer, an ipod you're Blessed.
Do you have clothes on your back and shoes on your feet you're Blessed.
Are you in college you're Blessed.
Do you have really amazing teachers, Professors, Counselors, you're Blessed.
Do you have a car you're Blessed
Do you have a job you're Blessed !!!!
There's an old saying that says
“Count your Blessings” There are so many people in this world that do not have any of the things that you take for granted. So every day be thankful, and extremely grateful for all of your Blessings !!!
Which brings me to my next topic Charity. You always have to give to Charity. There are Millions of worth while causes out there find one that matters to you and commit to it. Whether it's feeding the homeless. Donating money to churches, or investing money into the community that you are a part of. Donating money to the police department, Fire Department, Hospitals, E.M.T.'s
Saint Jude's Children's hospital You have to give to receive !!!
The giving portion of life, you always have to give back. When you get time go through your favorite company's websites. Whether its a clothing company, an electronics company, your favorite restaurant, the store you buy stationary from, Target, Walmart, Apple store, Apple Bee's, Best buy, Sams Club, Shop Rite, Publix, WaWa, Victoria's Secret, BurBerry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, all of these companies have a section on their website that explains exactly what types of charitable organizations they contribute to and all of the amazing things they have done.
If you have read this far I want to congratulate you, and tell you that you're an absolutely amazing person. I also want to thank you for your time, and I promise if you continue to look for the 9 upcoming posts you will be happy that you did. I plan on covering some topics that will change your world forever. I will open up your mind to the endless possibilities that are out there. I will be explaining how you can capitalize on your natural talents. I will be discussing how you can leverage the internet to your favor. I will be covering the laws of attraction, and how you can become a money magnet. I will talk about time and money management. I will help you to find all of your hidden talents and skills and show you how to utilize them to earn you an additional income. Always remember we live in the “Land Of Opportunities” not the land of maybe's or could be's, but The Land Of Opportunities !!!
I encourage all of you to click the like button, and leave your comments below. Thank you so much and I can not wait to put up my next post..
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