Manipulation has many techniques, and "experts" use them in various ways. Regardless of our beliefs and whether we like it or not. This is due to the activity of large investors, institutions, and funds. Their actions significantly affect the price behavior. Regardless of whether to sell or buy a given asset, cleaning the market with SL and pending orders. Their only goal is to earn the capital the company has set for them. It is their goal that counts and is to be made and not yours that is against their interests and works against you. The manipulators have no inhibitions or unscrupulousness. Notice the manipulator will first inspire confidence and appropriate behavior gains sympathy that weakens our vigilance. In the growing market called bullish when professionals recognize that it is time to reverse, they will start opening sales orders but still raising the price up, encouraging the crowd that won their confidence to continue buying. They have such a powerful capital to create the movements they need. Sometimes inconsistent with the underlying fundamentals of the economy, but in line with their short-term or long-term plan, it is especially visible how some value is very expensive or cheap without any economic foundations.