Marketing Yourself
Soozy G. Miller, CPRW, CDCC, CDP
POWERFUL RESUMES. Career Transition, Career Fuel, Ageism Buster, Conquer Interviews. Executive career direction with job-landing resumes & LinkedIn profiles. Land your next job within 90 days!
When you see the title of this article you might think:
I just need a resume. What does marketing have to do with it? If I wanted to promote myself, I’d hire a publicist!
Actually, to significantly reduce your job search time, you want a writer and behavior expert who understands what makes you different and how to sell that to companies. That’s marketing.
You’ve probably heard the term “personal branding” but you have no idea what that is and where to start, right? Personal branding is about demonstrating to the world your unique value-add and expertise as a leader. Just like companies brand their products so that more people buy them, we want to brand your unique leadership strengths, expertise, and value-add so that more of the companies that you like want to “buy” you, at the “price” that you believe you’re worth. This is where a coach with marketing experience makes the difference. When you differentiate yourself from your competition, and you make it clear why you are the better choice, they have no choice but to hire you instead of others.
I understand your hesitation. It’s a different perspective.
I once trusted a company and got burned with no results. I learned that I have to own my own strategy by doing research and asking better questions to see if they will really address my needs.
The cool thing is that using marketing tools didn’t just work for me, it works for all types of executives. Take Oscar. He is an executive chef who was suffering from The Great Resignation. He was overworked and exhausted and needed a new job, but he had no idea how to get started. Then a colleague of his recommended me, so he decided to try. Before we even finished with his sessions, he told me that his phone had been “ringing off the hook” with fantastic offers.
Why? Because he learned how to market himself to his industry using his new materials. Instead of simply sending his resume everywhere, he learned how to target the right jobs and then demonstrate why he was the best choice. He learned how to write and speak about himself in a way that attracted better opportunities to him, instead of him chasing them. That’s marketing.
You might be thinking that your resume just needs a brief review for grammar and spelling. Well, while you are excellent at your job, all due respect, you’re probably not the best judge of what your resume needs, because most people have never been on the other side of the hiring desk. So many executives come to me saying that their resume is great, but they don’t seem to be getting the attention that they deserve. They usually blame the hiring process, the hiring software, and the “inept” recruiter and Human Resources. But do you know what would make your resume more attractive than other resumes? The marketing aspect.
The best way to look for a job is by incorporating marketing techniques. The marketing aspect of your job search is actually crucial. Control your career by branding your expertise, demonstrating what makes you better, and selling that to companies.
If there is a particular topic that you’d like me to address, please email?[email protected].
For more details on the Do’s and Don’t of Resume Writing, see my webinar:
If you or an executive that you know is thinking of leaving their company, wants to join a Board, or wants to work in another field: