Marketing Year In Review

Marketing Year In Review

It’s almost the end of the year and 'prediction season' is here.

What will marketing look like in the year 2024? What trends from 2023 will gain momentum and evolve into marketing best practices?

In the year-end edition of our newsletter, we take a look at the top trends from 2023 that will continue to grow in the coming year. We also share a round-up of our most popular content of the year and a fun holiday read for our wider marketing community.

Top 2023 Marketing Trends (that will continue to grow in 2024)

Our Top Blog Content From 2023

In case you missed it, here’s a roundup of some of our most popular blog content from 2023:

Can Santa Save Christmas For This Exhausted Marketer?

It’s the last few days before Christmas and Adreanne from marketing is burning the midnight oil to get her holiday promotions out the door before it’s too late. Just when she’s on the verge of giving up on her mountain of work, she gets a surprise visit from St. Nick who has a simple solution up his sleeve…?

Here's a delightful year-end holiday read for our fellow marketers.

Happy holidays!

We'll be taking a break for the holidays and will be back in January with our next edition. Subscribe to receive a notification when we next go live.

