Marketing For Wellness Programs; The Do’s And Don’ts

Marketing For Wellness Programs; The Do’s And Don’ts

Wellness programs ?have lately become really popular in workplaces and businesses, mainly due to the number of health benefits that these programs have to offer. From improving employee health behaviors to reducing elevated health risks to boosting overall productivity, wellness programs are beneficial for both the employees and the employers.

The chances are that your company has also implemented different types of wellness products in workplace settings, or perhaps, you have a wellness business that caters to companies looking for wellness therapy.

However, despite their popularity, some wellness programs often end up being unsuccessful and don’t achieve their desired targets. While there could be multiple reasons for that, the most common and important factor is ineffective marketing or, say, lack of proper marketing.

Needless to say, wellness programs require a lot of work, attention, and proper resources to be able to succeed.

Take a look at some dos and don’ts that you need to bear in mind when it comes to?marketing ?wellness programs.

Do Know Your Audience and Demographics?

One of the most important things to do when marketing wellness programs is knowing your audience and demographics. You want to know everything about your target audience – who they are, the language they speak, whether there are more males or females, the average, and other such important things.

This information will help you create exactly the kind of wellness programs that your audience really needs.

Do Use Powerful Marketing Techniques?

There are many marketing techniques that help promote a business, one of which is storytelling. Stories always fare well because they help readers wonder,?“If they can do it, I can, too!”

When it comes to wellness programs, your target audience needs to know that your wellness products or programs have worked well for others, which will also convince them to go for it.

For instance, if a particular company is aware of how your wellness business has helped another company by reading anecdotes and experiences, it will want to try it out, too.

Do Keep Your Programs Relevant

In order to really market your?wellness business ?successfully, you must keep your programs relevant. This means that you should be well aware of the wellness concerns faced by your target audience so that you can adapt your strategy and program accordingly.

For example, if you try to market a smoking cessation plan to a group of non-smokers, it isn’t likely to help you achieve high engagement in your program.

Do Encourage Diversity In Your Wellness Programs?

It is important for a wellness business to encourage diversity in its programs by tapping into great opportunities in order to create an impact and promote overall wellness and well-being in the people.

What this means is that you don’t want to define wellness under a single spectrum, but you want to consider multiple roadblocks to wellness as well. For instance, these can include factors like burnout, depression, and financial stress, to name a few. Ultimately, you will be able to address a number of challenges faced by employees in their daily lives.


Don’t Complicate Things – Keep Messages Simple?

Wellness programs surely offer a plethora of health benefits, and while you might be tempted to go into the details, it’s best if you don’t. You could possibly end up overwhelming your employees, causing a great deal of confusion among them.?

It’s not uncommon for a wellness business to adopt the?“throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks”?marketing approach. In other words, they try to test so many different things and initiatives at one time to see what works and what doesn’t that it ends up getting lost in the noise of it all. So, it’s best to keep things simple with the help of short and positive messages since they are more effective at capturing people’s attention. You could also get help from?healthcare digital marketing agencies .

Don’t Just Focus On Physical Health?

A common marketing mistake made by many wellness businesses is that they tend to focus only on physical health. This often results in employees believing that wellness programs are all about getting more exercise, losing weight, or quitting cigarettes, to name a few.

In actuality, though, wellness also includes social well-being, mental health therapy, and financial well-being, among many other things.

As a wellness business, you might want to focus on other aspects and elements as well when marketing your wellness products and programs.

Don’t Send Lengthy, Boring Emails?

A core aspect of effective marketing for wellness programs is creativity. You want to be able to capture the attention of people in the first go, and to do that, avoid sending lengthy and boring emails.?

Instead of elaborate text, try to make your emails appealing with the help of colorful and lively infographics. The chances are that the reader is more likely to remember an engaging infographic rather than plain text.

Don’t Make Tone-Deaf Statements?

Wellness and well-being can be quite a sensitive subject for a lot of people, especially when it comes to mental health. Oftentimes, businesses tend to make tone-deaf, insensitive statements in the name of humor, which does nothing but leave a bad taste in one’s mouth.

So, it’s essential for you to know that as a business, you have a social responsibility where you should always keep other people’s feelings in mind and not be insensitive just for the sake of marketing your wellness programs.

Key Takeaway

Your wellness programs aren’t likely to thrive without the right kind of marketing employee engagement and excitement. Keep the aforementioned dos and don’ts of marketing in mind to be able to you’ll be able to promote your wellness business, create a buzz and keep the audience interested in what all you have to offer.


