Marketing Tips for Small Businesses #3 Building Communities
A lot of people’s approaches to business is low overheads high profits sell sell sell. That’s all very well but if you want to build your brand without huge investments and you're starting out, building communities is a great way to engage and increase your audience. You might also want to do it because you actually enjoy running a small business and this is good for you and your staff. It sounds straightforward but again it’s all about consistency. Make a point of thinking proactively about what your community wants or likes, what would be fun and help them see your brand as something beyond your products. A xmas card competition for kids, a free giveaway for couples, it can be generous or cheap and silly. A dress up night on halloween or photo competition for people being inventive with your product. Be active in local groups and post about it. Involve your staff if you can, they’ll often have good ideas too and are quite possibly already part of the community you’re looking to work with. Set aside time to plan and assess regularly.
Next week, working with other businesses!
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