Marketing Tips for Small Businesses #1
It’s a quiet time of year, many businesses struggle. For those that haven’t been going long it? could be crunch time when the credit simply runs out. What is it about the more established businesses that keeps their momentum and income?
Over this series of short posts I’m going to explore easy marketing tips that aren’t hard to adapt but will definitely help you increase awareness and footfall (real or virtual) and hopefully, your income too.
So exactly what is it about being ‘established’ that your business might be missing out on? Could you become even more established? Fundamentally we’re talking about familiarity. There’s all sort of jargon out there about ‘the rule of 7’ etc but we all know basically the more we see that new shop on the high street or a new face at work, the more we become familiar and relaxed with it. We all know brands like fast food chains we might not like but because they’re reliable we consider using them when there’s nothing that looks better.
“How do I make my business the one people use?” Marketing. Time and again I see businesses set up, they’ve got a great business plan, they open their doors and then expect people to walk in. You have to put yourself out there, physically and online. You don’t have to spend a ton of money either, in fact if you haven’t got any but you can be creative, it will work just as well, that’s a promise.?
So be prepared to act. Be on the lookout for good ideas, pinch them, adapt them, invent them but JUST DO IT! Oh and I’ll tell you what kind of things to do, next week!