The Marketing Success Checklist
James Gentle ????????
Transforming Leadership Teams to Create Sustainable Advantage by unlocking the power of people. Highly motivated teams, Higher retention & Enhanced performance. L&D Facilitator | Certified DISC Practioner & Coach
I believe that before beginning any marketing project or campaign it’s critical to have a plan.
This checklist is designed to ensure you’ve considered all the key elements to ensure marketing success. ?
You won’t need to reinvent the wheel for every campaign, many can draw from research completed and strategies already defined. ?
Clear business objectives & goals?
- Ensure marketing plans aligned to business objectives.?
- Ensure alignment of key stakeholders
Marketing objectives
- End in mind?
- SMART goals?
- KPIs (key performance indicators) eg Revenue, Conversion Rate
Research & Situational Analysis
- Market insights
- Competitor intel
- Consumer insights / customer feedback
- Learnings & insights from previous activity / data analysis. ?
Target Market
- Demographics & Psychographics
- Customer Avatars or persona
- Customer needs & desires
- Customer issues & problems
Competitor Analysis
- Products
- Pricing
- Customers
- Positioning
- Unique value proposition / point of difference
- Experience positive and negative.
- Marketing activity insights
Brand / product Positioning
- Mission/Purpose/Values
- Brand promise
- UVP - Unique value proposition (sometimes known as USP, Unique selling proposition)
- Guarantee
Brand look and feel
- Brands distinguishing assets - colours, fonts, tone of voice et al.?
- Brand logo & tag lines
- Brand Guidelines. ?
Marketing Strategies - How you plan to achieve the goals. ?Addressing each of the 4Ps is an excellent way to start:
- Product (or service)?
- Place / channel
- Price (think value)
- Promotion / Communications plan.?
Marketing tactics / Calendar of activity (The plan of what and when)
- Medium(s). eg.?Advertising, Organic social, PR, Direct marketing. ?
- Medium specifics eg Google PPC?
- Message(s)
- AIDA model (Awareness, interest, desire, action)
- Clear message
- Call to action?
- Measures
- KPIs - key performance indicators
- KPAs - Key performance activities or actions?I.e. The activity you need to do in order to meet the KPIs.?
- Tracking and monitoring of the above. ?
- Plan of activities
- Key milestones
- Timings
Performance Reviews
- On brand
- On target / resonating with target audience. ?
- On time
- On budget / delivering to targets
- Which activities are working and not??What needs to be refined or enhanced??
Use it!
Cheers to your marketing success
I've you've any questions or additions do please reach out.
James Gentle, Chartered Marketer.
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