Marketing & SEO analysis of your website
Davide Puzzo
Search Engine Optimization Consultant | Search Engine Marketing | Digital Marketing Manager
It's more and more important, nowadays, to be present online with a website that is represeting your company and your business.
My motto is:
With a website your company has the chance to appear bigger than it really is. You should grab this opportunity, going online like a BIG player.
It should be so, but I often see and meet companies that are dissatisfied of their website or worse... their website doesn't generate any profit.
Now, it should be easy to ask:
- What's wrong?
- Why the company's website doesn't generate an online profit?
- What's missing to become successful?
Certainly has been lacking a SEO consultancy! In fact, a professional SEO consultant that could achieve the analysis, before, of the website into SEO perspective, on how to build and develop the company's website. Depending it all in the position on search engines, of the competitors, of the company and the volume of monthly searches that people makes monthly online, in order to achieve a strategic positioning into search engines of the website. In other words a SEO could have planned and treat your web presence.
Website: What are the common mistakes?
The most common and simple mistake is to provide a showcase website. It's the classic low cost website that includes who we are, where we are, what we do, a photo gallery and contact form.
In this case the site is not only low cost but also low visitors per month. The website not having content is not located on google or it's better to say that's located on google, but only for:
- company name,
- city,
- name and surname of the company's property
- and if you are also lucky for the working environment of the company.
It would seem perfect, but it does not. In the absence of fundamental analysis, only some period of time after the creation of the website, the company will realize that their online presence is not appropriate to their target for different reasons and it does not offer anything to the visitors.
Why the website doesn't receive a lot of visitors?
Some reasons are:
- The name of your company does not produce the volume of monthly searches in the search engines and produces from 50 to 200 searches per month or worse than so 0.
- Your name does not produce the volume of monthly searches in the search engines or produces from 50 to 200 searches per month or worse than so 0.
- The working environment of your company (eg. web agency, seo consulting or tax advice and labor or sales bags etc etc) produces a monthly search volume in search engines, but your "about us" is insufficient to achieve the first page placement on search engines.
The company, before realize its own website, should decide whether to make the classic showcase site or if the website will be a useful tool for the company to produce revenue from a new channel: the web channel.
If you want to stay around my motto then the needs for the realization of the website that brings to the company the revenue, are:
- preventive SEO analysis of website
- a SEO Consultant
- a web agency
- a marketing plan.
A strategist is needed, that from the analysis will find the way to run, you will need also a computer consultant who designs, implements and manages the computer system and shall work in software development. It is not enough that you rely to a simple technician, at the base of each successful project on the web there is a fully functioning website but then there is also the optimization, the indexing and ranking of the website on search engines.
To place a website on search engines is also used to produce, constantly, new contents. This introduces the 'inbound marketing and content marketing'. This is why a SEO report would facilitate enforcement.
Often even if you don't rely to a simple technician there is another problem...
Could the client company, therefore, think that relying on a professional SEO consultant solves part of its mission and business strategy online?
The answer is yes, if the consultant lavishes advices and works, otherwise...
Well, I'll show you in what situation, usually, is the company after "tried" one or more SEO consultants.
I wonder about what I'm going to show you now because I'm Italian. TV, press and medias make me believe (and to my people too) that Italy is behind America but that's not absolutely true in the digital way!
I'll show you an excerpt from Google Analytics that's common to several of my clients, who were coming from other SEO consultants in the last 2 years.
- Often the client does NOT have access to Google Analytics and that has to beg for a few days, his ex SEO consultant to get it.
- Once the client have gained access to Google Analytics you find that there are no active demographics.
- Once the client have gained access to Google Analytics you find that you are NOT monitoring any GOAL conversion.
- Once the client have gained access to Google Analytics you find that is not connected to Google Webmaster Tools (now Google Search Console).
- Often the client does NOT have access to Google Webmaster Tools and that has to beg for a few days, his ex SEO consultant to get it.
- Often the site that has been commissioned is totally devoid of microdata and the new Google AMP technology, in some cases the website commissioned is not even responsive.
To support what I have wrote I show you some screenshot from their Google Analytics account:
Now, I really don't wonder if your secretary has the duty to be also your SEO!
Stop this way now and start a serious Inbound Marketing Strategy.
Let's talk about it together. Contact me via email at [email protected], you can add me in whatsapp by adding this number +39.3387209798, suscribe our telegram group or contact me from the official website of Report Not Provided.
We help you to lead your market!