Marketing Is Not Science, It's Ought To Be Demystified

Marketing Is Not Science, It's Ought To Be Demystified

Online Marketing Can Be Confusing

Understanding how online marketing really works could take years. However, it could also be very successful at first try, should all the right ingredients of the secret sauce happen to work in a perfect harmony. There are plenty of examples of successful marketing campaigns, worldwide. Still, if you were to try to repeat the success of others by going through exactly the same execution, it will unfortunately, most likely fail. 

Over time, better decisions can be executed. For example, one could easily spend thousands of dollars on paid advertising, only to find out that Facebook was in fact, the wrong digital platform to advertise on. Based on a marketing agency's advice you shifted your budgets to Google, paid a designer and a copywriter to adapt your ads accordingly. Time lost, additional resources spent. But what if your customers are waiting for you on Twitter? Or perhaps, you have a huge amount of traffic that brings audience to your website. Sadly, it simply doesn't convert into paying customers. What to do? Experiment more on the content of your ads, website or both at the same time?  

Why Marketing Is Not An Exact Science

Companies with large marketing budgets could afford such diverse and experimental activities. Plus, the perceived patience to wait for such results. To make things even more complex, when you placed an advertisement for your business, there is no guarantee that what performed for you in the past would also go well today. Simply put: There are just too many external factors that could work for you or against you, to experience the same success numbers you once had!

Let's face it – marketing is not an exact science, it’s highly experimental.  
And marketing ought to be demystified.

For example, if I were to meet with ten marketing agencies, tell them the exact same story about my business and give them the same amount of budget, I would receive ten different marketing campaigns with ten different results. To me, marketing is very much like filmmaking. If I were to give a script and similar budget to ten film directors, I’d be watching ten different movies, resulting in ten different box office numbers. 

Marketing and filmmaking are all about telling a visually-appealing and convincing story. The focus is invariably on the audience, who is looking forward to experience the story and immerse themselves into a virtual world that takes them away from their own reality.

Filmmaking can be divided into several very important segments – the story, the script, acting, directing, camera, lighting, sound and sound design, editing and special effects. Everything is designed to entertain and capture the attention of the audience. Should there be one or more segments from the pipeline that failed, then a multi-million-dollar budget spent on the production is wasted. 

The formula is really simple: it’s a well-crafted story to the right viewers (customers) who are in need of your product or service. If we were to break down online marketing into a few simplistic segments, it would also follow the same, familiar formula. It comprises the website or landing pages, the ad creative displayed to prospective customers, the distribution platform where the ad is being shown, the budget that is being spent and the human knowledge that is creating, placing and tweaking the campaign during its life cycle.

 If only one could wave a magic wand to receive the perfect recipe for the aforementioned processes! All of this complex knowledge is, unfortunately, not easily unattainable. Rather, it takes a lot of time and energy – to attend workshops on online marketing, read appropriate books and watch random tutorials to make your prospective customers find out about your business in a most fastest and cheapest way. Additionally, this particular knowledge might not be the right fit for your kind of business, product or location. 

There is a lot of general knowledge about online marketing which could be and should be automated and accessible to anyone. The knowledge of the process of putting an ad together, so that it corresponds to the guidelines of Google, Facebook and Instagram could definitely be taken over by a machine. The process of placing the ad, targeting it to the right customers and optimizing it during the life cycle of the ad campaign can be also delegated to a system that has way more knowledge about all types of businesses and campaigns than any human marketer. 

Nanos is The Technology That Solves The Marketing Issue

The good news is that there is now a technology that could automate most of the processes related to paid online marketing! It is widely available through Nanos, which works for any business, language or budget. We would be the “online fairy godmother” who'd hold your hand when creating an ad, place the ad for you on multiple platforms and optimize it to make sure not a single penny was being spent for no legitimate reason. We would ensure that the ad was only shown to portioned, relevant audience – those who were in need and could potentially benefit from your product or service. 

Nanos takes away the heavy weight on your shoulders from having to learn all the knowledge from the past ad campaigns. Through machine learning technology, it knows what worked and what didn't work for businesses similar to yours in your area and budget. Nanos will ask you several questions about what you do and who your target customers are. It will help you to build your ad, place it across Google, Facebook and Instagram in one step, without you separately placing your ads on all the platforms yourself. We can finally forget about entering those complicated forms, once and for all.

Nanos will optimize your ad, watch it in real-time, making all the necessary adjustments without costing you sleep, pondering why so much money is being already invested without any visible results. If you happened to be one of those who might be creatively-challenged, fear no more. You are no longer burdened with the need of considering what you need to create for your ads. With Nanos, we go one step further: it also pre-populates the ads from a given website. If you already have a website published online, Nanos will automatically crawl your website and help you to identify slogans and imagery to put in your ad. 

Let’s say that you don't have a website or still working on one. This is a rather common situation and websites are costly and difficult to maintain. What’s great is that Nanos will create a simple landing page at no cost for you. So that you could start advertising immediately, without any worries nor considering the need to pay for expensive content updates. 

Marketing is not science – Nanos is.

There is no golden standard or a secret magic either. Take advantage of this technology, focus on what's important and watch your business grow.




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