Marketing Reality Check: It's Not About Writing

Marketing Reality Check: It's Not About Writing

I'm litralee (say that in a british voice please like I just did) going to share with you something important I learned today

If you're at all interested in becoming a world class marketing genius, it's something you're gonna have to learn too

If you're already a world class marketing genius, Mars is closer than you think


The first thing any good marketer does when they market something is understand the thing they're marketing completely


You can be the bestest righter in the world..

Be the cleverest messaging specialist there ever was..

But if you don't know the ins and outs of the product you're selling..

Your marketing is gonna suck.

The myth about marketing (and more specifically copywriting and messaging) is that it's all about the writing…

As if being a great wordsmith is the "secret sauce" behind writing and ad/piece of content/ piece of sh*t is what gets someone buying…

But reality is that:

  1. Knowing the market


  1. Knowing the product

…is actually the most important driver of sales

Because when you know your stuff, you know exactly what to say and exactly how to say it

I'm not gonna get any deeper into this, I'm probably preaching to the choir

I just bring it all up to say when it comes to knowing how tokens work, what kinds there are, and how crypto markets work…

I don't know much

Which means that if I want to marketing any type of web3 based org that uses tokens and blockchain…

My marketing is gonna suck

So what I did today was start to ask questions to my buddy ol' pal Claude about the aforementions crypto things so that I can understand what-the-crypt is going on here, and pass my learnings onto you

(Yea yea, I know, you can thank me later when we're all swimming in a pool of bitcoin or whatever… That's a crypto joke btw… because its digial… get it?)

Anyways, I'm not even a dad and here I am making dad jokes

Let's get to the hard hitting educational point here shall we?

My question: How do I make girls like me?

Woops, wrong blog

Ok, for real - question:

What is the point of creating a token for crypto currency? I see that there are hundreds of tokens available to buy, but what is actually happening with the ecosystem that is surrounding them?

Pretty good question I thought.

Like, why are there all these random tokens out there available to buy? What is the point of them? You buy just to buy?

Then I made an important connection:

The token exists to support a project

So there aren't tokens just for the sake of buying them and inflating the price over their brand being the coolest…

A token is creating to fund something. Could be a game, could be a social good project, could be for powering a network.

I like the way Claude put it:

The large number of available tokens reflects different projects trying to solve various problems or create new services.

Think of it like the early internet boom - many companies created websites and raised money, but only a small percentage provided lasting value. Similarly, while there are hundreds of tokens, only some serve genuine purposes in decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, digital art (NFTs), or other practical applications.

I love that last line of, "Only some serve genuine purposes…"

That clears a lot up for me…

Reason being that my main mission is to use blockchain and tokens for social good

So now I see that a social good project can create a token, and use it to get funding, give token holders direct stake in project development, weigh in on decisions, etc.

Seems to me that the stronger the mission, the better the communication, the stronger the leadership, more frequent the interaction… the more stable the token will be

On the other hand, when there is a weak project, weak mission, and weak communication behind a project and it's token, that's when the the value fluctuates and is likely to crash and become useless

Become useless not because the token is useless, but because the project was useless

So if we think about these "hundreds of coins" I referenced at the beginning of this article - some of them have strong projects and strong communities behind them, and some have weak ones.

Main learning lesson here being that, tokens are just a tool to fund projects and provide incentive their movement

Ok cool!

New level of understanding unlocked

That was fun wasn't it?

Funny how little marketing has to do with "marketing strategy" and all that, eh?

I mean, come to think of it, the very fact that I wrote this article like this is a testament to the most important aspect of marketing there is:

Research baby

Elbow grease

Ear cheese

Peanut butter and chocolate bananas



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