Marketing is rapidly changing- can the old agencies keep up??
Chris Kirksey
CEO, - Record-breaking Healthcare SEO strategies & services that create top rankings & ROI faster & better, propelling inbound patient growth | Speaker, Author, US Army Vet, Gen AI Geek | 1/2 ???? Full ????
The world of marketing has changed, and it has changed dramatically. As traditional media formats like newspapers and magazines lose their popularity (or in many cases even go out of business) marketing campaigns must adapt to this rapidly changing landscape. In fact, with the rise of streaming services, even TV advertising is becoming less visible. The world has moved into the digital sphere, and that is where your marketing strategy and ad designs move to as well. While there are some well-established marketing firms throughout the US, can these old school agencies, who were formed in a different media environment, adapt and keep up with the demands of digital marketing?
As recently as just 5 or 6 years ago if you were to say the term “digital marketing” to a room full marketing and advertising professionals you would likely get confused looks. It simply did not exist at the levels it does today and did not have anywhere near the presence it has today. To be clear, when we are referring to digital marketing we are talking about more than just internet marketing. Email marketing, social media marketing, SEO and web design strategy, can all fall under the general term of “digital marketing.” Some of the older marketing agencies in Fort Lauderdale have simply not been able to keep up.
For example, the Ft Lauderdale-based marketing powerhouse of Zimmerman Advertising, which was established in 1984, has still centered many their efforts on traditional media buying strategies which were developed in a time when radio and TV advertising where the hottest forms of marketing. The world of digital marketing is so vast that an internet marketing agency in Fort Lauderdale should specifically focus on digital advertising and internet marketing strategies.
Any business operating in 2017 needs to have a clear internet marketing strategy in place to ensure they remain successful. In fact, even former retail giants such as Macy’s are rapidly closing stores nationwide, in part because they have failed to fully adapt to the Internet age and its innovative but destructive force on the media landscape. Think about it, when you want to find a local restaurant, a dentist office, or even check movie times you likely reach for your smartphone or get on your computer and what you are looking for is a quick Google search away.
The internet age rose so fast that many businesses were simply caught off guard. One minute we were waiting for a dial-up connection to connect us to a poorly made website, the next minute we can stream and entire TV series in high resolution right from our phones. It was a rapid change that was difficult to foresee, but now that it is here it is here to stay.
Businesses and organizations looking for digital marketing will be happy to know that there are many quality local internet marketing and branding firms. The other silver lining to the rise of internet marketing is that internet advertising cost are often substantially lower than advertising through TV, print, or even radio. There are also different ways to advertise on the web. You can focus on social media marketing, PPC marketing, email marketing or all of the above. The internet age has given companies a whole new world of practical marketing solutions. Which will you choose?