Marketing Plan? Hell No - Do This Instead
David Newman, CSP
Elevate your CEO brand with speaking, publishing, and podcasting. Boost revenue, prestige, and market cap ??3X Bestselling Author???Top 1% Podcast Host. ?? Certified Speaking Professional?
Do you need a 60-page marketing/business plan with charts and graphs and financial projections for the next 5 years?
No you do not.
You need some flip charts, markers, paper, plenty of wall space and at least an hour to map out:
- Your business and marketing objectives and strategies
- Your current and future revenue streams
- Your thought leadership strategies (speaking, publishing, social media)
- Your business systems and processes
- Your current and future staffing and outsourcing game plan
- Simple templates and scripts to operationalize your plan
- Your pricing structure including new ways to monetize your expertise
- Your marketing action plan with daily, weekly and monthly tasks
If you want a leg up on the strategies, tactics, and mindset to help stimulate your thinking, we may be able to help you:
Next -- do you need to execute on your daily and weekly MMA (money making activity) tasks?
The short answer is a screaming YES with racing stripes and flames coming out the tailpipes.
Do you need a 1,000% laser focus with a non-stop 24/7 Terminator-style implementation style?
No you do not.
That's not realistic and it's never going to happen.
You need a calendar, just a little bit of DAILY focus, some serious accountability for a short period of time, and your to-do list (which probably contains some long-overdue "big ideas" which you've simply never gotten around to doing even though they might be the exact things you need to FINISH so that you get out of your rut, find your groove and grow your business significantly!)
What kinds of to-do items might you tackle if you had the guidance, focus, and time?
- Rewrite the homepage of your website
- Record a series of videos that showcase your services
- Do some writing to better articulate your fabulousness
- Create a few simple tools to help you generate more leads
- Clean up your office or empty your inbox to streamline your daily work
- Develop (or refresh) your consulting or service/project offerings
- Optimize your social media profiles so that more prospects find (and contact!) you
- Draft the outline for your book, product, or signature program
- Map out your proactive referral and networking strategy (who, what, where, when)
Of course, if you’re not sure what to work on, then unfocused activity leads to unfocused results.
Don’t let that be you.
Focus. Commit. Succeed.