Marketing Monsters and What to Do About Them

Marketing Monsters and What to Do About Them

It’s Halloween, a day to be a monster. Go ahead and growl. We don't mind.

Speaking of monsters, here are some costume ideas for you - marketing monsters that stop you from showing up as an incredible expert that gets great clients.

The Ogre of Self-Doubt

You’re doing great work with your clients. You’re changing lives. But when you want to book a talk,? write your next article, or go to a networking event, you freeze up. Suddenly, you don’t know anything, you doubt yourself, and you shrink into a little ogre of self-doubt. ?Standing up as the leader and expert means taking a stand and being vulnerable to people’s opinions and judgments. This can be crippling and gets in the way of getting great clients.?

An Ogre's Next Step:?The Generosity Practice 30-Day Mastery Program A truth bomb: self-doubt makes it all about you, rather than on how you can serve others.? I fall into this myself. In my 40-person Generosity Practice field study, people told me over and over "I got out of my own way."? Every client completes this program because it prepares them to create messaging that comes from their true love of helping people. It gives them the inner fortitude to get out there.

Even as a service-based professional, you can get lost in the daily to-do’s of running a business.? ($147 Self-Study, $299 Self-Study with One 1-Hour Consult with me)

The Template Robot

You could be confident about getting out there, but you simply follow the marketing templates everyone follows. You fill in the blanks, do what everyone else does, and eventually, you’re look like everyone else in your field. You have no authentic voice here. Maybe not what you want.

A Robot's Next Step:?Authentic Voice Blueprint 90-Minute Private Consult While templates get you started and you can be inspired by other professionals, you still need to find your own voice. And this is not simply about being different and special. It’s about tuning into your why in helping others and creating messaging from THAT place. This becomes your brand story (or StoryBrand, a la Donald Miller). It’s what needs to weave through everything you put out there. Who are you, really? It can be tough because you need to be honest about how you DON’T want to help people too. This will open the door.?

This 90-Minute session is $450 ?and includes a customized Authentic Voice Blueprint manual that you can use for your 2025 marketing planning and anything you put out there.?Schedule it now.

The Zombie of Marketing Confusion and Overwhelm

There are so many ways to get your message out. And so many ways to fumble it. !!!!? Are you using video? Are you in all the networking groups? Do you have a Facebook page AND a group (or 3)? How is your LinkedIn presence? Are you consistent with your emails? Is it time to write that book? What about a podcast? This can turn anyone into a zombie of confusion.?

A Zombie's Next Step:?Your Core Strategy Session Since 2017, I’ve helped business owners uncover their perfect core strategy.? In this?90-minute session, ?we discuss your business needs, your natural way of connecting, and your authentic voice.

Even if you’re tempted to write a book, it might make more sense to do an audio format, an event series, or a video channel.?We deep dive into your strengths when?you show up in the world, and build a core strategy from there. You’ve got a powerful way to show up in the world. Let’s uncover it. This includes an optional project planning session afterwards.?

Core Strategy Session : $450

Core Strategy Session + 2-Hour Project Planning: $999 - email me to schedule/pay for these.

All of the above constitute the Marketing for Humans journey I offer in my??4-Month program.? ?

Schedule a?30-Minute Intro Session ?to talk about it, so we can see if this is a fit for you and your business needs.?Happy Halloween, my favorite monster


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