#63: Marketing Kill Sales? When Well Managed, it Will Grow Sales! Here's How...
In the everyday world of business operations, marketing and sales departments have their own particular philosophies, providing different approaches to building business revenue. Small companies can't afford to have seperate marketing and sales departments. The two functions are usually combined.
It has been said that marketing spends money and sales makes money.
There are two sides to that statement. When a business owner looks at their sales team, they see salaries, branded apparel, vehicles, meal expenses and commission payments. In other words, sales teams do spend and cost money. This causes any owner to hope that their sales department brings in more revenue than it “costs” for them to operate.
What about marketing? Marketing departments are notorious for spending money to build a brand. Yet, it is often overlooked that the marketing department is also responsible for advertising, which today includes the Internet and social media activities which can mean the marketing department can generate fantastic revenue volume.
I can tell you success stories about inexpensive marketing (advertising) that brings in an incredible amount of revenue.
For example, one property damage restoration client of ours produces in excess of two million dollars each year without one single sales person on staff. They rely on our Internet strategies. Their entire marketing budget is less than one sales persons’ salary. (By the way, we have been encouraging them to hire a sales team so they will have a well-rounded approach for business expansion... to take their company to the next level.)
Some people are wondering if marketing kills sales? Here’s my answer. It’s possible to have a plan where marketing and sales support each other to beneficial ends. I invite you to see how Harben Marketing feels about marketing and sales... when well planned and properly managed, a marketing/sales department will be your Money Tree.
Contact us to discuss rational and positive ideas about marketing and sales...