Marketing Junkie Turned Prima Donna
I’ve been a professional singer all my life, and honestly,
I’m a real life diva!
I learned from a young age (19) that in order to shine my brilliance, I needed to just concentrate on my voice, my look, my presence on stage and my health, so that I could perform night after night.
By the time I became an international touring singer I had a entourage.
- Someone arranged all the travel, booked the hotels and tour buses.
- Someone catered the food and made sure we ate well.
- Someone dressed us and did our hair and makeup.
- We were given a per diem (pocket money) so that we didn’t have to worry about having cash or not while on tour.
- Someone carried in the equipment.
- Someone else set it up and managed the sound and lighting.
- Someone marketed us, and sold the tickets to our packed our shows.
So all I had to do was eat, sleep, practice my songs and perform.... and enjoy myself! (The after parties were always the best part)
My focus was fully on my passions and the pleasures.
Then I started my coaching business, and that was a different story.
I was doing everything myself.
I was focussed more on marketing and tech than on just doing my brilliance, and I was always busy. Busy doing a lot, and busy in my head.
There was no time for rest, play, relationships, fun...
And as for well-being.... what was that?
My business was successful enough.
I was making a good living...
Enough to support my lifestyle, with a nice apartment, eating out, a car, lots of holidays (I needed them), massages, hairdos, manicures and nice clothes ..
But not enough to support my big vision...
to buy my own house by the sea, to have loads of free time, and a family.
And so I kept doing ALL the marketing, creating all the techy things, courses, programs, offers... ALL THE TIME...
Because I was afraid that if I stopped, it would all fall apart.
I became a marketing junkie!
Then one day I met a brand strategist who helped me find my brand archetype.
The Rock Star
And it quickly came back to me....
I’m a diva!
I’m a rock star!
Rock stars don’t do it all themselves
They do what they’re brilliant at.
They de -clutter, they delegate, they focus on their wellbeing, they stay present, they have strong boundaries and they don’t do anything that’s going to compromise them showing up and shining the brightest they can.
As soon as I made this switch, my life and business changed.
Now my business is run on 7-10 hours a week!
I prioritise
- my well-being and creating SPACE in my head
- serving my clients and audience with insightful content that helps them step onto their stardom
- simplifying everything in my business to ONE thing and delegating anything that is not my area of brilliance.
For most coaching businesses, you don’t need the same entourage that a touring band or artist needs.
I just have:
An assistant
An accountant
A coach ( sometimes 2, one for business and one for mindset)
Depending on your business, someone who does the part or your service that you can’t do for everyone because there’s only one of you ( for me that's a copywriting coach right now)
Most coaches, transformation experts and healers are busy doing all the things but even busier in their heads!
And often it takes just creating that ONE shift to help them see just how stuck in busy mode they have become.....
...... how they’ve been trusting in all of the external things, and shiny objects..... the latest marketing fad or system...
... to change them from marketing junkies....
.... into the ROCK STAR DIVA they envision themselves to be
Drop me a comment below if it is ... rock star!