Marketing Funnel
A marketing funnel, also known as a sales funnel, is a mechanism that enables you to follow a customer's journey from the beginning until they become a lifetime, devoted customer, along with all the steps in between.
What makes the funnel wonderful is that it offers a graphical depiction of a concept that is frequently challenging to picture. It makes it simple to understand the procedure your customers go through when engaging with your brand and business.
Looking at your company and how it operates can be all you need to do to develop your own marketing funnel.
The most common marketing funnel is the 4-step AIDA funnel which stands for Awareness, Interest, Decision and Action.
Of course, raising awareness is the most crucial factor in attracting new clients for your company. At the beginning of the funnel, we can assume that customers are completely unaware of your brand. Awareness may be raised in various ways, including search engines like Google, YouTube ads or backlinks from other websites.
Once your customers are aware of your brand, it’s time to generate an interest in them which will convince them to stay. The secret to arousing interest is to provide an excellent user experience. Understand your target audience and structure your website by posting relevant information and organizing it in such a way that is simple for them to utilize. This will reduce the bounce rate and keep your customers around.
Next comes the desire stage. This is where you have to use all your efforts in convincing the customers that they NEED your product. Set yourself apart from all the competitors offering solutions to their problems as well. Create an emotional connection between the customer and the product. Don’t just tell your customer but show them how beneficial your product can be.
The final and most awaited step is the action. This is the stage in which your prospective customer finally makes a move and purchases your product. If you’ve done your part perfectly in the first three phases, this is bound to happen. You can increase the chances of a purchase decision by using certain effective closing techniques, such as personalized offers and messages that will strike a chord with your prospective customers.