Marketing Funnel Explained

Marketing Funnel Explained

Read Time: 1 Min

Email marketing has survived for more than three decades and is one of the core channels to reach your target audience. When you run multiple email campaigns keeping track of prospects could be quite daunting if you do not have a system.

Why do we need a funnel?

Defining a funnel would help you reverse engineer the marketing leads transition, identify and fix the errors in your overall email campaign process.

This post will define the marketing funnel and mapping prospects to the funnel's various stages.

Q0 - Qualified Database.

Q1 - Validated Database 

Q2 - Emails that reached the prospects

Q3 - Prospects who have clicked your CTA - MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead)

Q4 - Prospect has agreed for a meeting SAL (Sales accepted leads)

Q5 - Prospect is interested in your product/Service SQL (Sales qualified leads)

Q6- Sign off 

Suppose the prospects drop off at either Q4 -Q6 based on the scenario. In that case, the lead is sent back to marketing, and the process is started all over again.

Individual marketers consider email opens as a qualified marketing lead as well. For me, three opens has been the magic number. Prospects who have opened their mails more than thrice have always converted to an MQL.

What is your magical number, do share your thoughts in the comments below.


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