Market Update 4-26-2022

Market Update 4-26-2022



The Chinese central bank said it would ensure there is plenty of liquidity in financial markets as the country struggles with a new pandemic outbreak. That eased fears about the hit to fuel demand in the world’s second largest economy. (Barron's) But, Chinese demand worries have added to the structure of Brent’s futures curve, which has weakened significantly in recent days, indicating that concerns about scarce supply have eased. Brent’s prompt spread had its weakest close this year on Monday. (Bloomberg)

Prices may be supported by the fact that buyers are shunning Russian crude. This is evidenced by the failed tender of crude offered by Rosneft. Rosneft offered 6.5 million metric tonnes (47.6 MMBBL) of oil loading for May-June, but no bids were received as of Monday. There were elements to the tender that seemed to be stumbling blocks : 1) payment in Rubles 2) pre-payment 3) loadings for May-June, which may be difficult as buyers may have already scheduled much of their buying slates for those delivery months. Asian refiners are also shunning the Sokol grade from Russia’s Far East after sanctions were imposed on a tanker company that ships the cargoes. (Quantum Commodities/Bloomberg)


WTI tested support Monday near $95 and held. The lower bollinger band on the WTI DC chart was touched in Monday's decline.

WTI spot futures have support at 97.68-97.77, then at 95.28-32. Resistance lies at 101.35-55.

June RB support is seen at 3.1934-54. Resistance lies at 3.2810-35, then at 3.3115-35.

June ULSD has support at 3.6535-55, then at 3.6085-90. Resistance lies at the 3.75 area. Worth noting in ULSD is the front spread strength. It is over 50 cents as it tests over the daily chart's upper bollinger band and has a mean reversion set up from yesterday's close with momentum overbought. We refer to yesterday's notes regarding the strength in middle distillates.


Volatility remains the watchword with NG up quite a bit today as the May options expire. Some suggested that the drop to test the 20 day moving average on the NG charts held Monday and hence the bounce. We offer the notion that the May options expire today and the $7 strike is the only one with any notable open interest based on data from the CME, thus the move up. May futures overnight tested over $7.

Technically momentum is negative, but as mentioned above the June futures held the test of the 20 day moving average. In that same area lies the mid bollinger. Thus, support below is fairly clear in that 6.58 area. We see support above that at 6.894 then at 6.832. Resistance lies above at 7.193-7.214. There is some light resistance in the 7.13-7.14 area basis the 60 minute chart for June.

A colleague pointed out today the wide difference between the Jan/Feb 2023 and Feb/March 2023 spreads. The butterfly is trading near 87 cents, February premium. He suggested that March may be a month more in peril in any squeeze/up move as it refers to end season storage. But,the fly has been oversold basically since value was down at 32 cents.


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